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    Jupiter’s Moon Europa | Oxygen Discovery Beneath Icy Shell

    Among the dazzling array of celestial bodies dancing around Jupiter, Europa, the sixth-closest moon, holds a special allure. Its smooth, icy surface, scarred by reddish streaks and surprisingly devoid of craters, hints at a dynamic and potentially life-harboring world beneath. This article delves into the captivating world of Jupiter’s Moon Europa, exploring its physical characteristics, […]

    Water Vapor Plume Discovered on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

    You will be surprised to know that astounding revelations have emerged as researchers, harnessing the remarkable capabilities of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, uncovered a captivating phenomenon: a captivating water vapor plume emanating from Saturn’s enchanting moon, Enceladus. This remarkable plume stretches a staggering distance of over 6,000 miles, equivalent to the approximate span between […]

    Lucy Mission: First Spacecraft to Explore Jupiter’s Trojan Asteroids

    NASA’s Lucy mission marks a new era in space exploration, as it is the first spacecraft launched with the specific aim of exploring the Trojan asteroids. These asteroids are a population of primitive celestial bodies that share Jupiter’s orbit, making them unique targets for scientific study. However, the spacecraft is set to embark on a […]

    Uranus Rings and Moons Captured by NASA’s JWST

    The NASA James Webb Space Telescope captured a stunning image on Feb. 6, 2023, of Uranus, an ice-giant planet, revealing its bright cloud and faint extended features beyond the polar cap. “Icy” materials make up the planet, which has 13 known rings and 27 known moons. The image shows 11 visible rings and the wide-view […]

    Hubble OPAL Program Monitors Jupiter’s storms and Uranus’ atmosphere

    NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has been capturing breathtaking images of the changing weather and seasons on Jupiter and Uranus since its launch in 1990. Although the close-up views provided by other spacecraft, such as Juno and Voyager very impressive, however, Hubble’s sharpness and sensitivity enable it to track complex activities in these largely gaseous outer […]

    TOI-733b: A New World Between Earth and Mars

    The scientific community recently found a new planet called TOI-733b. It is situated 245 light-years away from Earth. It’s a bit smaller than Earth but has a unique feature – its atmosphere. Lost Atmosphere & Oceanic World: Experts have two possible explanations for this planet. First, it might have lost its atmosphere, or second, it […]

    James Webb Space Telescope Images Planets: Incredible Raw Views of Saturn

    The James Webb Space Telescope, a marvel of modern astronomy, has been capturing extraordinary images of planets in our solar system. Saturn, the ringed gas giant, is the latest subject of the JWST’s attention. Although these images aren’t ready for public display, the raw snapshots provide a fascinating glimpse of Saturn’s unparalleled beauty. Capturing the […]

    HD 100546 b: The Mystery Between Planets and Stars

    Brown dwarfs, though not precisely classified as planets, often come up in discussions due to their position between planets and stars. One well-known example is HD 100546 b with a radius 6.9 times that of Jupiter. Let’s Know More About This Exoplanet: HD 100546 b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a B-type star. […]

    Pioneer 11: The First Spacecraft To Explore Saturn Closely

    Introduction Pioneer 11 is a remarkable story of human curiosity, ingenuity, and the insatiable quest to explore the unknown. This article delves into the journey of Pioneer 11, a robotic space probe, from its inception to its groundbreaking achievements and legacy in the field of space exploration. The Genesis of Pioneer 11 In the late […]

    How the James Webb Saturn Rings Shines?

    NASA’s James Webb Saturn Rings pictures have been revealed on June 25, 2023. It has captured the famed ringed world Saturn for its first near-infrared observations of the planet. The initial imagery from Webb’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) is already fascinating to researchers.   What has been Revealed in the James Webb Saturn Photos? The image […]