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    Astronomers have detected a Second Planet Orbiting Two Stars!

    Planets in binary star systems face a difficult situation. The gravitational pulls of two separate stars have been overcome by them. Planet formation around a single star, such as our Sun, is simpler than circumbinary planet formation. Until recently, astronomers were unsure they existed. Astronomers rarely come across binary stars that have planets orbiting them. […]

    Marshmallow-Like Exoplanet TOI-3757 Unveiled by TESS

    The exoplanet, TOI-3757 b is a gas giant planet that revolves around a K-type star. The mass of this exoplanet is about 0.27 times more than that of Jupiter and therefore it completes one circle around its star in just 3.4 days. If we talk about its distance, then it is located at approximately 0.038 […]