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    Astronomers Observed Slow Early Universe Timeline

    Looking far into space to analyze early universe timeline means peering back in time. The more distant the object, the earlier we see the Universe’s history. This is a way to see what the Universe was like shortly after the Big Bang.   Einstein’s theory of relativity and Time’s slower movement Albert Einstein’s famous theory, […]

    Sonifications Regarding Cosmic Harmonies by NASA

    Astronomers frequently use numerous telescopes to observe things in space like sonifications. Each telescope adds its information to whatever is being examined because it can all detect distinct kinds of light.  Sonifications release in Astronomy Similarly, sonification is helpful in converting digital data into sound. In some ways, this is akin to how different […]

    A Billowing Irregular Galaxy Has Been Captured by Hubble

    News: The image of an Irregular Galaxy captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope unveils the captivating galaxy NGC 7292, adorned with a handful of luminous stars and the ethereal blurs of galaxies situated in the distant backdrop. Irregular Galaxy Shows the Picture of Vastness of the Nature The celestial beauty known as NGC 7292, […]

    Webb Telescope Proves Early Universe was Transformed by the Galaxies

    News: The gas between stars and galaxies was non-transparent in the early universe, and intense starlight could not penetrate it. However, 1 billion years after the great bang, the gas was entirely transparent. But what could be the possible reason for the gas being non-opaque? Why Were the Galaxies in the Early Universe Not Transparent? […]

    Hungry Black Hole Erupts a Jet of X-rays 60,000 Times Hotter Than the Sun

    As astronomers ventured into the depths of a hungry black hole, their gaze unveiled a remarkable sight—a fierce surge of X-rays erupting from it, boasting a temperature a staggering 60,000 times hotter than the surface of our very own sun. What are Quasars? Are They Hungry Black Hole? Quasars are black holes that emit dazzling, […]

    Exploring the Universe’s Hidden Secrets: A Journey with the Spitzer Space Telescope!

    The universe is vast and complex, and our ability to grasp it is limited by the instruments we have at our disposal. That’s where remarkable space-based observatories like the Spitzer Space Telescope come in – with its advanced infrared capabilities. This telescope allowed us to see the universe in a whole new light. That unlocks […]

    Event Horizon Telescope discovers a black hole feeding a dazzling monster object!

    Using the Event Horizon Telescope, astronomers have captured an image of a quasar (bright structure at the galaxies’ cores) at the Centre of a faraway galaxy that emits vast amounts of light fueled by a feeding supermassive black hole. Such stunning phenomena, which can generate more energy than all the stars in their parent galaxy […]

    Kerr Black Holes: The Spinning Enigmas of Our Universe

    Kerr Black Holes: A Complete Guide Let’s talk about Kerr black holes, the universe’s spinning marvels. Discovered by Roy Kerr in 1963, these black holes have quite a unique character. Instead of just a point singularity at the center, they feature a ring-shaped one. That’s right—a ring! And don’t get us started on the ergosphere, […]

    PA-99-N2: First Extragalactic Planet Beyond Milky Way

    Scientists have a firm belief that there are millions of planets in our neighboring, Andromeda Galaxy. However, they have only identified one so far, named PA-99-N2, due to a microlensing event in 1999. Therefore, this confirmation makes it the very first extragalactic planet. Finding planets in space is challenging because they don’t emit their own […]

    In a Gravitational Lens, James Webb saw the same Galaxy three times

    On February 28, 2023, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) mission tweeted about its latest observation Gravitational Lens of a galaxy, which included three separate photos. The JWST’s capacity to capture such breathtaking imagery continuously amazes and captivates both scientists and space enthusiasts. How does the JWST take three photographs of the same object at […]