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    Webb Reveals Monster Black Hole in GN-z11 Distant Galaxy

    What is GN-z11 and why is it important? Gazing billions of light-years across the vast cosmic expanse, astronomers have encountered a celestial enigma: GN-z11. This exceptionally luminous galaxy stands as one of the brightest and most distant ever observed, existing a mere 430 million years after the Big Bang (roughly 3% of the universe’s current […]

    Gravastars vs Black Holes – What You Need to Know

    The universe is a vast and mysterious expanse, filled with celestial wonders that continue to captivate the human imagination. Among these enigmatic phenomena, one of the most intriguing is the concept of Gravastars. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Gravastars, exploring their theoretical foundations, distinguishing features, and the implications they […]

    Einstein Probe’s Mission with Lobster Eye Technology Exploring Extreme Black Holes and Star Explosions

    The Einstein Probe, a cutting-edge space observatory, is set to embark on a groundbreaking mission that promises to unravel the mysteries of extreme black holes and star explosions. Central to this mission is the remarkable Lobster Eye technology, a revolutionary X-ray imaging system that enables the probe to capture high-resolution images of celestial phenomena. In […]

    Brightest Gamma Ray Burst: One of the Most Powerful Space Explosions Ever Seen!

    Scientists have discovered the brightest gamma-ray burst which is considered one of the most powerful space explosions. Do you want to know what has really caused it, and how it was discovered? Then, look at the recent findings first! Scientist have explored a structured jet carrying large amounts of blown star guts. They are pointing […]

    Hungry Black Hole Erupts a Jet of X-rays 60,000 Times Hotter Than the Sun

    As astronomers ventured into the depths of a hungry black hole, their gaze unveiled a remarkable sight—a fierce surge of X-rays erupting from it, boasting a temperature a staggering 60,000 times hotter than the surface of our very own sun. What are Quasars? Are They Hungry Black Hole? Quasars are black holes that emit dazzling, […]

    Hubble Sets Out on Mission to Discover an Intermediate-sized Black Hole

    Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope have discovered what they believe to be some of the greatest evidence yet for the presence of a rare type of intermediate-sized black hole lurking in the heart of the nearest globular star cluster to Earth, about 6,000 light-years distant. What are the formation, distribution, and rarity of intermediate-mass […]

    Exploring the Universe’s Hidden Secrets: A Journey with the Spitzer Space Telescope!

    The universe is vast and complex, and our ability to grasp it is limited by the instruments we have at our disposal. That’s where remarkable space-based observatories like the Spitzer Space Telescope come in – with its advanced infrared capabilities. This telescope allowed us to see the universe in a whole new light. That unlocks […]

    Israeli Space Telescope Launched by NASA!

    The Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite (ULTRASAT) will be the first Israeli space telescope project, and it will be launched by NASA. The ultraviolet observatory ULTRASAT will explore the mysteries of transient cosmic occurrences including supernova explosions and neutron star mergers. The Weizmann Institute of Science and the Israel Space Agency is involved with ULTRASAT. They […]

    Mysterious Dark energy may originate in black holes!

    It has taken decades of research for scientists to even begin to understand where Mysterious dark energy comes from. The rapid expansion of the cosmos suggests that some force is overpowering gravity, which should slow things down. Even though dark energy has been proposed as the source of that power, its origin has remained a […]

    Event Horizon Telescope discovers a black hole feeding a dazzling monster object!

    Using the Event Horizon Telescope, astronomers have captured an image of a quasar (bright structure at the galaxies’ cores) at the Centre of a faraway galaxy that emits vast amounts of light fueled by a feeding supermassive black hole. Such stunning phenomena, which can generate more energy than all the stars in their parent galaxy […]