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    JWST Discovers How Massive Stars Hinder Planet Formation in the Orion Nebula

    Introduction The universe never fails to amaze us with its celestial wonders, and the Orion Nebula stands as a testament to the intricate dance of stellar creation. Recently, astronomers have turned their attention to this cosmic spectacle using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), uncovering secrets within the stellar nursery that have profound implications for […]

    Cosmic Cannibalism: White Dwarf Star Metallic ‘Scars’ Expose Celestial Devouring

    White Dwarf Stars: Unveiling the Secrets of Stellar Remnants In the depths of the cosmos lie objects that shine as testaments to the end of a star’s life – white dwarf star. These dense, Earth-sized remnants are the final stage for most stars in the universe, including our own Sun. Once a star exhausts its […]

    James Webb Space Telescope discovers More Than 33,000 Newborn Stars

    More than 33,000 newborn stars are hidden in the NGC 346 Nebula. Which is the brightest and greatest star-producing region in the galaxy, thanks to Webb’s high-resolution imagery. Astronomers have recently studied NGC 346 with telescope missions, but this is the first time they have observed the dust. The formation of the first stars during […]

    HD 100546 b: The Mystery Between Planets and Stars

    Brown dwarfs, though not precisely classified as planets, often come up in discussions due to their position between planets and stars. One well-known example is HD 100546 b with a radius 6.9 times that of Jupiter. Let’s Know More About This Exoplanet: HD 100546 b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a B-type star. […]

    Stellar Evolution: The Birth, Life, and Death of Stars

    Stellar evolution tells us how stars are born, live, and die. It tells us about the life of a star in perfect ways. Since a star’s life is too long to watch, that is the reason scientists study many stars in our galaxy at different stages. And by doing this, they combine the whole process. […]

    James Webb Spots a Globular Cluster Sparkling with Separate Stars!

    The JSWT is part of the Early Release Science program. And Webb’s conducted one of initial scientific observations by gazing at Messier 92 (M92). M92 is a globular cluster in the Milky Way halo, Which is approximately 27,000 light-years away. This occurred on June 20, 2022, and lasted for slightly over an hour. There are […]

    Astronomers have detected a Second Planet Orbiting Two Stars!

    Planets in binary star systems face a difficult situation. The gravitational pulls of two separate stars have been overcome by them. Planet formation around a single star, such as our Sun, is simpler than circumbinary planet formation. Until recently, astronomers were unsure they existed. Astronomers rarely come across binary stars that have planets orbiting them. […]

    Marshmallow-Like Exoplanet TOI-3757 Unveiled by TESS

    The exoplanet, TOI-3757 b is a gas giant planet that revolves around a K-type star. The mass of this exoplanet is about 0.27 times more than that of Jupiter and therefore it completes one circle around its star in just 3.4 days. If we talk about its distance, then it is located at approximately 0.038 […]

    Beyond Pluto: New Horizons Discovers Dusty Secrets in the Kuiper Belt

    Introduction The vast expanse of our solar system has always intrigued astronomers and space enthusiasts alike. One of the lesser-explored regions, the Kuiper Belt, has recently taken center stage as NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft makes unexpected discoveries. This icy belt, extending beyond Neptune’s orbit, is revealing secrets that challenge our previous understanding of its boundaries […]

    Ethereal Imagery of NGC 346 Captured by the Webb

    Introduction NGC 346 is a captivating celestial object situated in the Small Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy orbiting our Milky Way galaxy. This star-forming region provides an invaluable look into the processes leading to star birth and the interactions between interstellar gas and radiation. It serves as a cosmic laboratory for a variety of phenomena […]