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    Marshmallow-Like Exoplanet TOI-3757 Unveiled by TESS

    The exoplanet, TOI-3757 b is a gas giant planet that revolves around a K-type star. The mass of this exoplanet is about 0.27 times more than that of Jupiter and therefore it completes one circle around its star in just 3.4 days. If we talk about its distance, then it is located at approximately 0.038 […]

    Silicate clouds on exoplanet (VHS 1256 b) atmospheres detected by JWST

    NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has detected silicate cloud features in the atmosphere of a distant exoplanet called VHS 1256 b, which is located about 40 light-years away from us. VHS 1256 b is a planetary-mass object that orbits not one but two stars over 10,000 years. The atmosphere of this exoplanet is very […]

    Is ROXs 42Bb the biggest planet? Let’s Find Out

    In 2013, scientists found a large gas planet similar to Jupiter. It is exoplanet ROXs 42Bb which is located about 500 light-years away. It orbits a cooler, dimmer M-type star which is 1.34 times wider than our Sun. Radius, Weight & Diameter: This gas giant, named ROXs 42Bb has a radius 1.12 times that of […]

    Sun-like stars Birth and Celebration of Science’s First Year by Webb

    From our cosmic backyard in the solar system to faraway galaxies near the beginning of time, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has done what it said it would in its first year of science operations to show us the universe as we’ve never seen it before. NASA shared a picture of small Sun-like stars forming […]

    PA-99-N2: First Extragalactic Planet Beyond Milky Way

    Scientists have a firm belief that there are millions of planets in our neighboring, Andromeda Galaxy. However, they have only identified one so far, named PA-99-N2, due to a microlensing event in 1999. Therefore, this confirmation makes it the very first extragalactic planet. Finding planets in space is challenging because they don’t emit their own […]

    In a Gravitational Lens, James Webb saw the same Galaxy three times

    On February 28, 2023, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) mission tweeted about its latest observation Gravitational Lens of a galaxy, which included three separate photos. The JWST’s capacity to capture such breathtaking imagery continuously amazes and captivates both scientists and space enthusiasts. How does the JWST take three photographs of the same object at […]