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    Jupiter’s Moon Europa | Oxygen Discovery Beneath Icy Shell

    Among the dazzling array of celestial bodies dancing around Jupiter, Europa, the sixth-closest moon, holds a special allure. Its smooth, icy surface, scarred by reddish streaks and surprisingly devoid of craters, hints at a dynamic and potentially life-harboring world beneath. This article delves into the captivating world of Jupiter’s Moon Europa, exploring its physical characteristics, […]

    Lightning On Jupiter is Captured by NASA’s Juno Mission

    News: This image displays a swirl near Jupiter’s north pole and shows the lightning on Jupiter. Where does the Lightning on Jupiter Come From? Lightning originates from water-based clouds on Earth and is predominantly observed near the equator. On Jupiter, however, it’s likely that lightning is generated from a mixture of ammonia and water clouds […]

    Observe Gas Giant Jupiter Occulting the Moon on the Morning of May 17

    On May 17, the gas giant Jupiter and its four brilliant Galilean moons will pass behind a very thin crescent moon early in the morning. The moon and Jupiter will put on a stunning show in the early morning skies of tomorrow. When will the occultation of gas giant Jupiter and its moons occur? On […]

    Io, Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon, Set for Historic Close Encounter with NASA’s Juno Spacecraft

    Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io, is set for a historic close encounter with NASA’s Juno Spacecraft. The orbiter designed to study gas giants has traveled more than 510 million miles and has observed three of Jupiter’s four largest moons up close. When is NASA’s Juno spacecraft scheduled to pass by Io and Jupiter? On Tuesday, May […]

    Aging Star Devours Jupiter-Sized Planet: A Preview of Our Sun’s Fate?

    An expanding dying star devours a Jupiter-sized planet. In approximately 5 billion years, our Sun will undergo a similar end-of-life phase. What is the significance of the recent observation in which an aging star devours a Jupiter-sized planet? The first time an aging star ate a Jupiter-sized planet was seen in a new study that […]

    Lucy Mission: First Spacecraft to Explore Jupiter’s Trojan Asteroids

    NASA’s Lucy mission marks a new era in space exploration, as it is the first spacecraft launched with the specific aim of exploring the Trojan asteroids. These asteroids are a population of primitive celestial bodies that share Jupiter’s orbit, making them unique targets for scientific study. However, the spacecraft is set to embark on a […]

    ESA’s Juice Mission to Study Jupiter’s 3 Icy Moons!

    The “Juice mission” (Jupiter Icy moons Explorer) is an exciting and ambitious project by the European Space Agency (ESA) to explore Jupiter and its three icy moons – Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto – in depth. With a launch date set for April 13, 2023, the mission aims to explore these moons and gain insights into […]

    Hubble OPAL Program Monitors Jupiter’s storms and Uranus’ atmosphere

    NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has been capturing breathtaking images of the changing weather and seasons on Jupiter and Uranus since its launch in 1990. Although the close-up views provided by other spacecraft, such as Juno and Voyager very impressive, however, Hubble’s sharpness and sensitivity enable it to track complex activities in these largely gaseous outer […]

    Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, a Mystrey being solved

    Before launch, the stakes were tremendous. Airbus designed Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (Juice) to study Jupiter’s icy moons. What is the significance of RIME in the JUICE inquiry? Jupiter Icy Moon’s Explorer (RIME) antenna, one of eleven research equipment, is crucial to that inquiry. RIME will remotely study Jupiter’s ice moons’ sub-surfaces. Its radar waves […]

    Seven Sisters Star Cluster – Jupiter Shines Near the Moon

    Guys, you all have to stay up late to view the serene view of the seven sisters Star cluster. This is the view with which Jupiter also shines near the moon. Let’s keep hovering. How can you see this impressive view? Let’s know more about this spectacular view! Celestial Spectacle: Moon Meets Pleiades and Jupiter […]