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Blue Origin New Glenn

How Blue Origin’s New Glenn Rocket is Redefining Space Travel

Blue Origin New Glenn: A Giant Leap in Commercial Space Exploration

In the realm of commercial spaceflight, few names have captured the imagination like Blue Origin, founded by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos. The aerospace company’s New Glenn rocket represents a monumental step in the industry, combining innovation, ambition, and a vision for human expansion into space. This article delves into the journey, current status, and future potential of the Blue Origin New Glenn, as of early 2024.


Named after John Glenn, the first American astronaut to orbit Earth, the Blue Origin New Glenn is not just a rocket but a symbol of the new era of space exploration. Blue Origin aims to democratize space, making it more accessible and fostering a future where millions of people live and work in space. The development of New Glenn is a critical piece in this grand puzzle.

What is the purpose of the New Glenn?

New Glenn’s story begins with Blue Origin’s vision of creating a reusable rocket capable of carrying people and payloads to Earth’s orbit and beyond. It is designed to be a heavy-lift launch vehicle, more powerful and with greater capacity than its predecessor, New Shepard. The idea was not just to reach space but to do so sustainably and cost-effectively.

New Glenn
Credit: Blue Origin

Design and Capabilities

How tall will New Glenn be?

Standing 98 meters tall and 7 meters wide, Blue Origin New Glenn is a behemoth designed for heavy payload missions. It features a two-stage system powered by the BE-4 engine, also developed by Blue Origin. The first stage is reusable and designed to land vertically, much like SpaceX’s Falcon rockets. This reusability is a cornerstone of Blue Origin’s strategy to reduce launch costs.

How many engines will New Glenn have?

Blue Origin New Glenn will have a total of 9 engines:

  1. First Stage: 7 BE-4 engines designed and manufactured by Blue Origin. Each one generates 550,000 lbf (2,450 kN) thrust at sea level.
  2. Second Stage: 2 BE-3U engines, also designed and manufactured by Blue Origin. They each generate 160,000 lbf (710 kN) of thrust in a vacuum.

It’s important to note that the 7 BE-4 engines power the reusable first stage of Blue Origin New Glenn, while the 2 BE-3U engines are used on the expendable second stage.

New Glenn Design
Credit: Blue Origin

Milestones and Progress of Blue Origin New Glenn

As of early 2024, significant strides have been made in Blue Origin New Glenn’s development:

Production and Assembly: Assembly of major components is ongoing at Launch Complex 36 (LC-36), with multiple first stages in production, showcasing a commitment to a pipeline of missions.

Recent Hardware Movements: The most complete Blue Origin New Glenn first stage, GS1, was seen being transported to LC-36. While not fully complete, this represents a significant step toward readiness for flight.

U.S. Space Force Contract: Blue Origin secured a contract for integration studies with the U.S. Space Force. This $18 million contract underlines Blue Origin New Glenn’s potential in national security space launches.

Upcoming Missions Of Blue Origin New Glenn

Can New Glenn go to Mars?

One of the most anticipated missions for Blue Origin New Glenn is the ESCAPADE mission to Mars, scheduled for 2024. This NASA mission aims to study Mars’ magnetosphere and marks New Glenn’s entry into interplanetary missions. The confidence expressed by the mission’s lead in New Glenn’s readiness highlights the rocket’s potential in the field of deep space exploration.

Challenges and Delays

Blue Origin New Glenn’s journey has not been without challenges. Initially slated for a 2020 launch, the project experienced delays, primarily due to the complex nature of designing a new class of heavy-lift vehicles. These delays, while frustrating, are not uncommon in the aerospace industry, especially when pioneering new technologies and methods.

The Significance of Blue Origin New Glenn Reusability

Blue Origin New Glenn’s reusability is a game-changer in space exploration. By allowing the first stage of the rocket to be used multiple times, Blue Origin aims to drastically reduce the cost of access to space. This approach mirrors the successful reusability strategy employed by SpaceX, potentially leading to more frequent launches and increased accessibility to space for various payloads.

Blue Origin’s Place in the Space Industry

Blue Origin, with New Glenn, positions itself as a formidable player in the space industry. Competing with companies like SpaceX and government organizations like NASA, Blue Origin’s approach is unique. It focuses not just on the business of space but also on a vision of the future where space is a place where millions can live and work.

The Future of Blue Origin New Glenn

Looking ahead, New Glenn is set to be a cornerstone in Blue Origin’s broader strategy. With the U.S. Space Force contract and the upcoming NASA mission, Blue Origin is poised to become a key player in both national security and scientific exploration. The successful operation of New Glenn could pave the way for more ambitious projects, such as Blue Origin’s vision of lunar landings and eventual human habitats in space.


Blue Origin New Glenn represents more than just a rocket; it’s a symbol of a new age in space exploration. Its development marks a significant step forward in the quest for sustainable and cost-effective space travel. As Blue Origin continues to push the boundaries, the New Glenn stands as a testament to human ingenuity and the unyielding desire to explore the cosmos. The future of space travel looks brighter with the likes of New Glenn taking to the skies.

The progress of Blue Origin New Glenn is a story of ambition, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of a future where space is within the reach of not just a select few, but all of humanity. As we watch the development of Blue Origin New Glenn unfold, we are witnessing not just technological advancement, but the unfolding of a new chapter in human history, one that reaches for the stars.

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