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Venus Through Telescope

How Can You See Venus Through Telescope?

Looking at Venus through a telescope is easier than observing Mercury. As Venus shines brighter than Mercury and appears farther from the Sun, which is why it is more visible even in the daytime. Apart from noticing its different phases, you can also see changes in the planet’s size.

When people start using a telescope, they usually start by looking at the Moon. That is without a doubt a worthwhile experience. However, their attention often shifts to the planets next.

Don’t worry, we have curated some impressive, and valuable content about seeing the planet Venus through a telescope.

Why can’t we always watch Venus through Telescope?

However, Venus isn’t always visible in the sky. As it goes around the Sun and moves behind it, we lose sight of it. Just like Mercury through telescope, Venus is nearer to the Sun than Earth is. This means it’s never too far from the Sun as we see it. It’s usually within about 47 degrees of the Sun.

On average, Venus is roughly 67 million miles away from the Sun. Earth’s orbit is about 93 million miles on average. Venus has a year of about 224.7 Earth days, while Earth takes 365 days for a year. This difference makes Earth and Venus sometimes close to each other and sometimes far apart as we both orbit the Sun.

When it’s farthest from Earth, and we are on opposite sides of the Sun. That is the reason, Venus sits around 162 million miles away. However, every 584 days, our orbits line up, it brings us closest at about 25 million miles apart. This is even nearer than we get to Mars, which is our other neighboring planet too.

NASA, says:

“It’s the hottest planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to the Sun. Surface temperatures on Venus are about 900 degrees Fahrenheit (475 degrees Celsius) – hot enough to melt lead.”

What is the best time to see Venus through telescope?

Venus is covered in some quiet clouds. Whether seen with the naked eye, Venus through binoculars, or a telescope, it looks like a bright ball and shines brighter than any star.

However, these clouds prevent us from seeing Venus’s surface, and the planet doesn’t have any moons to watch.

Changing of Venus Phases:

The interesting part of observing Venus is its changing phases, which are similar to our Moon’s phases. These changes can be tracked as Venus and Earth move around the Sun.

Changing of Venus Phases

It would surely be of interest that in 2019, Venus was visible in the morning sky. It started at a good height of about 25 degrees in the early part of the year, easily seen before sunrise. But as the months went on, it got lower and lower, almost touching the horizon by the end of May. After that, it became risky to observe due to its proximity to the Sun. It then moved to the other side of the Sun.

In September, Venus will come back as the evening star. For better visibility and safety, it’s best to wait until December to use your telescope, as Venus will be farther from the Sun when it sets. With time, Venus will climb higher in the sky, moving away from the Sun until May 2020. This is the prime time to plan your Venus watching.

Why the orbit of Venus is slightly different from our planet?

You might think that Venus crossing the path of the Sun is a frequent event, but that’s not true. Venus’s orbit is slightly different from Earth’s, so these transits across the Sun are very rare.

The last one happened in 2012, which is a big deal in astronomy. Unfortunately, we won’t be here for the next one in 2117. But maybe you’ll be able to see it.

Let’s have a glance at some of the amazing images of Venus through Telescope below:

Venus Through Telescope


Which Venus Features Can I See with a Telescope?

Venus has different features in its atmosphere, ranging from dusty patches to bright spots. Keep an eye out for a large C- or Y-shaped feature around its equator. Similar to Mercury and the Moon, you can see Venus changing its appearance as it goes around the Sun.

Pro tip: To see Venus’ main features, try a violet filter with an 8-inch telescope; it blocks some light but helps with visibility.

Can I see Venus through a telescope?

Using a telescope to see Venus is easier compared to seeing Mercury. Venus shines brighter and can be farther from the Sun, which makes it visible even in the daytime. Besides its phases, you can also see Venus changing in size.

What does Venus look like through a telescope?

A typical star will look like a small point of light through your eyepiece. However, when observing Venus, it will have a clear disc. It will resemble a crescent shape, similar to the moon.

Why can’t I see Venus through telescope?

Venus is the second planet nearest to the Sun, while Earth comes third. Because of this, you can’t observe Venus using a reflecting or refracting telescope in the middle of the night.

What color is Venus through a telescope?

Venus usually looks white through telescopes, with only small variations due to Earth’s atmospheric effects. Its clouds are a pale lemon-yellow, but this can be tough to distinguish because the color is subtle and gets lost in the planet’s brightness.

Can I see Venus with my eyes?

Venus orbits closer to the sun than Earth. To find it, start by locating the sun. In the evening, you can see Venus in the west, and in the early morning before sunrise, it’s visible in the east. You’ll notice Venus as a bright light, but a telescope is needed to see more details.

Why is Venus blurry?

As mentioned by others, observing Venus can be tough due to its low altitude. This situation leads to more atmospheric effects like dispersion and poor visibility. Using a bigger aperture at high magnification or for imaging can emphasize these problems.

Seeing Venus Through a Telescope is such an Interesting Thing!

Venus is a great option for new observers. They find it easy with the right timing and direction. You can see it with your eyes or binoculars, but a telescope gives the best view. Watching its phases is interesting, and it’s a simple way to start keeping observation notes and sketches of what you see through the telescope.

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