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    Lightning On Jupiter is Captured by NASA’s Juno Mission

    News: This image displays a swirl near Jupiter’s north pole and shows the lightning on Jupiter. Where does the Lightning on Jupiter Come From? Lightning originates from water-based clouds on Earth and is predominantly observed near the equator. On Jupiter, however, it’s likely that lightning is generated from a mixture of ammonia and water clouds […]

    Life on Europa? The New Search for Extraterrestrial Life

    For centuries, Mars was the prime part of our solar system, so let’s have a look at life on Europa. Telescopes have scrutinized the red planet for years, spacecraft have traveled its orbit, and rovers have combed its terrain, but still, no conclusive evidence of life on Europa has been found. Scientists are shifting their […]

    Water Vapor Plume Discovered on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

    You will be surprised to know that astounding revelations have emerged as researchers, harnessing the remarkable capabilities of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, uncovered a captivating phenomenon: a captivating water vapor plume emanating from Saturn’s enchanting moon, Enceladus. This remarkable plume stretches a staggering distance of over 6,000 miles, equivalent to the approximate span between […]

    Observe Gas Giant Jupiter Occulting the Moon on the Morning of May 17

    On May 17, the gas giant Jupiter and its four brilliant Galilean moons will pass behind a very thin crescent moon early in the morning. The moon and Jupiter will put on a stunning show in the early morning skies of tomorrow. When will the occultation of gas giant Jupiter and its moons occur? On […]

    NASA’s Webb Telescope Discovers Water Vapor in Main Belt Comet

    Another long-awaited scientific breakthrough has been made possible by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, this time for solar system scientists investigating the origins of Earth’s copious water. Astronomers have detected gas – especially water vapor – near a comet in the main asteroid belt for the first time using Webb’s NIRSpec (Near-Infrared Spectrograph), indicating that […]

    Four of the Largest Uranus Moons May have Oceans

    NASA scientists have looked at data from Voyager spacecraft and used computer modeling to find out that four of Uranus’ biggest moons may have oceans between their icy crusts and cores. This study is the first to explain how the insides of all five big moons – Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon, and Miranda – have […]

    Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, a Mystrey being solved

    Before launch, the stakes were tremendous. Airbus designed Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (Juice) to study Jupiter’s icy moons. What is the significance of RIME in the JUICE inquiry? Jupiter Icy Moon’s Explorer (RIME) antenna, one of eleven research equipment, is crucial to that inquiry. RIME will remotely study Jupiter’s ice moons’ sub-surfaces. Its radar waves […]

    Is ROXs 42Bb the biggest planet? Let’s Find Out

    In 2013, scientists found a large gas planet similar to Jupiter. It is exoplanet ROXs 42Bb which is located about 500 light-years away. It orbits a cooler, dimmer M-type star which is 1.34 times wider than our Sun. Radius, Weight & Diameter: This gas giant, named ROXs 42Bb has a radius 1.12 times that of […]

    James Webb Space Telescope Images Planets: Incredible Raw Views of Saturn

    The James Webb Space Telescope, a marvel of modern astronomy, has been capturing extraordinary images of planets in our solar system. Saturn, the ringed gas giant, is the latest subject of the JWST’s attention. Although these images aren’t ready for public display, the raw snapshots provide a fascinating glimpse of Saturn’s unparalleled beauty. Capturing the […]

    Mars Moon Phobos’s Surface Would Have a Tiny Rover

    Have you ever heard about Phobos’ surface? No, then this blog is just for you! Let’s uncover some crisp information, and see the recent findings. Where Does the Phobos Surface (Mars’s Moon) Come From? There are many robots currently in space, orbiting or on Mars. These robots are trying to learn more about Mars, its […]