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    Aging Star Devours Jupiter-Sized Planet: A Preview of Our Sun’s Fate?

    An expanding dying star devours a Jupiter-sized planet. In approximately 5 billion years, our Sun will undergo a similar end-of-life phase. What is the significance of the recent observation in which an aging star devours a Jupiter-sized planet? The first time an aging star ate a Jupiter-sized planet was seen in a new study that […]

    Voyager Mission: Exploring the Outer reaches of the Solar System!

    For more than four decades, NASA’s Voyager spacecraft have been venturing into the farthest reaches of our solar system and beyond. Voyager Mission Launched in 1977, the twin spacecraft. The purpose of Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 was to explore the outer planets of our solar system and study their atmospheres, rings, and moons. However, […]

    Mars Helicopter Successful 52nd Flight Amidst Connectivity Issues

    The brave Ingenuity Mars helicopter might return to the air in the next two weeks. How was the 52nd flight of the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter? The 52nd flight of NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter was a success. This is now written in the mission record. The breakout happened on April 26, but mission controllers at NASA’s […]

    Euclid Spacecraft Along with NASA, Exploring Dark Energy

    On Saturday,1st July at around 11:11 a.m. EDT, a new space telescope named Euclid spacecraft is ready to go to space. Let’s dive in further to know about the amazing journey of this spacecraft; What the Euclid spacecraft actually is? It is a European Space Agency (ESA) project, but NASA, the American space agency, also […]

    Ingenuity Helicopter, LEGO Model of Mars Rover

    News: In a truly remarkable collaboration between LEGO and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), an awe-inspiring STEM-inspired building set has been crafted, igniting the curiosity and passion for engineering and space exploration among children. This captivating creation, the Ingenuity helicopter aims to captivate young minds and spark their interest in the universe’s wonders. Based on […]

    MAVEN Spacecraft by NASA Stuns with Ultraviolet Views of Red Planet

    News: NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft project has taken two amazing pictures of Mars using ultraviolet light. This light can show us a lot about the planet’s air and surface. Maven, a NASA spacecraft, enters orbit over Mars. According to NASA, the Maven spacecraft effectively completed an engine run to reach Martian orbit and start its journey […]

    How does AI help NASA in space exploration?

    Isn’t it interesting that AI in space exploration is making incredible milestones day after day? When humans look up to the night sky, they often get stunned by its spaciousness and curiosity. Even in today’s world, that sense of curiosity continues. But, thanks to modern technology, and artificial intelligence. They have emerged as a powerful […]

    Earth-like Exoplanets List & Names (Current Updates)

    Since 1995, scientists have found more than 4,000 Earth-like exoplanets. It would surely be your surprise that these planets are outside our solar system. NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration page says the Kepler Space Telescope found most of these.  Astronomers really wanted to find the first “alien Earth.” The Earth-like planets in the Milky Way.  New discoveries […]

    NASA’s Cold Atom Lab Paves Way for Quantum Chemistry in Space

    Exploring the enigmatic realms of the universe has taken a momentous leap with a groundbreaking achievement aboard the International Space Station (ISS). In a historic feat, scientists have successfully generated a quantum gas composed of two distinct types of atoms within the confines of space. This monumental experiment, facilitated by NASA’s Cold Atom Laboratory, signifies […]

    What will Three Mini Rovers of NASA Explore on the Moon?

    NASA plans to send a group of three mini rovers to the Moon. That is aiming to assess their ability to work together. And not only this, but they also possess the ability to have direct control without the involvement of any humans as controllers on Earth.   Will Robots Overtake the Process of Autonomous […]