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    What is the function of Space Observatory Technology?

    Space observatory technology has come a long way since the first satellite (Sputnik 1) was launched into orbit in the late 1950s. A space observatory is a satellite designed to observe the universe and gather data in different wavelengths of light. Today, space observatories are technical instruments that allow us to explore the universe in […]

    Quantum Telescopes: The Advancements in Space Observatory Technology!

    Quantum technology has expanded astronomy and astrophysics in recent years. Quantum telescopes could transform our understanding of the universe. They detect and study celestial objects using quantum mechanics. And collect universe data using entangled particles instead of light. These telescopes can function at wavelengths that the Earth’s atmosphere usually blocks. It can research exoplanets, black […]

    Supermassive Black Hole: Star Formation in Its Tail by Astronomers

    In the heart of huge galaxies like our own, you’ll find a supermassive black hole (SMBH). They maintain their commanding position in the center of the galaxy, where they consume gas, dust, stars, and everything else that comes too close, causing them to become ever more massive over time. However, in extremely unusual cases, an […]

    James Webb Space Telescope discovers More Than 33,000 Newborn Stars

    More than 33,000 newborn stars are hidden in the NGC 346 Nebula. Which is the brightest and greatest star-producing region in the galaxy, thanks to Webb’s high-resolution imagery. Astronomers have recently studied NGC 346 with telescope missions, but this is the first time they have observed the dust. The formation of the first stars during […]

    CEERS 1019: A Blackhole Detection by James Webb

    Located in the galaxy CEERS 1019, this black hole existed slightly over 570 million years after the big bang. Scientists using the James Webb Space Telescope have made a groundbreaking discovery by finding the most distant live supermassive black hole. How did researchers make the discoveries like black holes in CEERS 1019? What makes it […]

    Black hole switches on as astronomers watched, surprised

    Want to know some astounding information about black hole ‘switches on’ and relevant events? If yes, then you’re absolutely in the right place. Here’s given an amazing piece of information to you; What was the J221951 ‘black hole switches on’ incident? One of the brightest transient events in the universe occurs when a giant black […]

    Kerr Black Holes: The Spinning Enigmas of Our Universe

    Kerr Black Holes: A Complete Guide Let’s talk about Kerr black holes, the universe’s spinning marvels. Discovered by Roy Kerr in 1963, these black holes have quite a unique character. Instead of just a point singularity at the center, they feature a ring-shaped one. That’s right—a ring! And don’t get us started on the ergosphere, […]

    Sagittarius A*: The Milky Way’s Central Black Hole Woke Up 200 Years Ago

    Sagittarius A* is a gigantic black hole sitting at the heart of our Milky Way galaxy. What is the Difference between Sagittarius A* & Black Holes? When compared to black holes in the center of other galaxies we’ve observed, Sagittarius A* doesn’t shine as bright. This suggests that, unlike its counterparts, this black hole hasn’t […]

    Is There An Active Black Hole in Centaurus A?

    Centaurus A, also known as NGC 5128, is one of the most intriguing objects in the astronomical world, offering a wealth of information and mysteries to researchers. This article delves into the various aspects of Centaurus A, exploring its characteristics, significance in astronomical research, and the mysteries it holds. Discovery and Observation Centaurus A was […]

    James Webb Images Black Hole 13 Billion-Year Journey!

    The James Webb Space Images Black Hole is the talk of the town for some time. This is keep impressing us once more by making an incredible discovery. It has seen a supermassive black hole that’s actively doing its thing. Moreover, it’s even far away in the universe than anything we’ve seen before.  Are you […]