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    The Crab Nebula’s Hidden Secrets Unveiled by Webb Telescope

    The Crab Nebula, located in the Taurus constellation, is renowned as one of the most extensively studied celestial objects in the night sky. This extensive article will explore its discovery, characteristics, scientific significance, and cultural impact, in the field of astronomy. Discovery and Historical Background The Crab Nebula, known scientifically as Messier 1 (M1), was […]

    TRAPPIST-1 c, the Rocky Exoplanet’s Atmosphere

    TRAPPIST-1 c Atmosphere’s Analysis A team of scientists from around the world used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to calculate the amount of heat energy emitted by TRAPPIST-1 c, a rocky exoplanet. The findings indicate that, if there is indeed an atmosphere, it is remarkably tenuous. TRAPPIST-1 c, with a dayside temperature of approximately 380 […]

    Sonifications Regarding Cosmic Harmonies by NASA

    Astronomers frequently use numerous telescopes to observe things in space like sonifications. Each telescope adds its information to whatever is being examined because it can all detect distinct kinds of light.  Sonifications release in Astronomy Similarly, sonification is helpful in converting digital data into sound. In some ways, this is akin to how different […]

    ‘Einstein Cross’ Surreal, Occurrence After Distant Supernova

    IA supernovae following which, Einstein Cross occurred, play a crucial role. Measuring the vast distances of the cosmos poses a significant challenge for astronomers, who employ various methods and tools collectively known as the cosmic distance ladder. These supernovae occur in binary systems where a white dwarf star feeds on matter from its companion, often […]

    Cosmic Collisions Reveals Enormous 1.5 Million Light-Year Tail!

    In a groundbreaking revelation, astronomers have utilized NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory to unveil the extraordinary phenomenon of “cosmic collisions” within the immense realm of the universe. The observation reveals that NGC 4839, a conglomerate of galaxies, is presently engaged in a collision course with the awe-inspiring Coma galaxy cluster, resulting in the creation of an […]

    Webb Maps and Finds Traces Water on WASP-18 b

    There’s a fascinating exoplanet 400 light-years away that’s so intriguing that astronomers have been researching it since its discovery in 2009. WASP-18 b takes only 23 hours to complete one orbit around its star (which is slightly larger than our Sun). Nothing like it exists in our solar system. WASP-18 b, an extrasolar planet ten […]

    Hubble Sets Out on Mission to Discover an Intermediate-sized Black Hole

    Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope have discovered what they believe to be some of the greatest evidence yet for the presence of a rare type of intermediate-sized black hole lurking in the heart of the nearest globular star cluster to Earth, about 6,000 light-years distant. What are the formation, distribution, and rarity of intermediate-mass […]

    Massive black hole in messier 84 leaves H-shaped structure in hot gas

    Astronomers have discovered a giant black hole at the center of Messier 84 “M84” (a massive elliptical galaxy). This giant black hole is leaving an “H”-shaped structure in the multimillion-degree gas around it. Using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, researchers mapped the hot gas in and around M84. This reveals the letter “H” formed by cavities […]

    Exploring the Universe’s Hidden Secrets: A Journey with the Spitzer Space Telescope!

    The universe is vast and complex, and our ability to grasp it is limited by the instruments we have at our disposal. That’s where remarkable space-based observatories like the Spitzer Space Telescope come in – with its advanced infrared capabilities. This telescope allowed us to see the universe in a whole new light. That unlocks […]

    NASA’s IXPE Captures Stunning Image of Vela Pulsar Wind Nebula!

    Approximately 10,000 years ago, the light produced by a massive star’s explosion in the constellation Vela reached Earth. As a result, the supernova formed a compact object known as a pulsar. However, It seems to illuminate periodically as it rotates, resembling a celestial lighthouse. The pulsar’s surface produces streams of particles that move near the […]