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    TRAPPIST-1 c, the Rocky Exoplanet’s Atmosphere

    TRAPPIST-1 c Atmosphere’s Analysis A team of scientists from around the world used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to calculate the amount of heat energy emitted by TRAPPIST-1 c, a rocky exoplanet. The findings indicate that, if there is indeed an atmosphere, it is remarkably tenuous. TRAPPIST-1 c, with a dayside temperature of approximately 380 […]

    Sonifications Regarding Cosmic Harmonies by NASA

    Astronomers frequently use numerous telescopes to observe things in space like sonifications. Each telescope adds its information to whatever is being examined because it can all detect distinct kinds of light.  Sonifications release in Astronomy Similarly, sonification is helpful in converting digital data into sound. In some ways, this is akin to how different […]

    ‘Einstein Cross’ Surreal, Occurrence After Distant Supernova

    IA supernovae following which, Einstein Cross occurred, play a crucial role. Measuring the vast distances of the cosmos poses a significant challenge for astronomers, who employ various methods and tools collectively known as the cosmic distance ladder. These supernovae occur in binary systems where a white dwarf star feeds on matter from its companion, often […]

    A Collapsed Star is Turning into a Gigantic Diamond!

    Have you ever heard about a tiny collapsed star turning into a big diamond? Yes, that is true! As we all know the star is a white tiny item and the shriveled shell of a sun-like star that burnt off most of its fuel before collapsing. But, let’s find out what happens that become a […]

    Hubble Sets Out on Mission to Discover an Intermediate-sized Black Hole

    Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope have discovered what they believe to be some of the greatest evidence yet for the presence of a rare type of intermediate-sized black hole lurking in the heart of the nearest globular star cluster to Earth, about 6,000 light-years distant. What are the formation, distribution, and rarity of intermediate-mass […]

    Aging Star Devours Jupiter-Sized Planet: A Preview of Our Sun’s Fate?

    An expanding dying star devours a Jupiter-sized planet. In approximately 5 billion years, our Sun will undergo a similar end-of-life phase. What is the significance of the recent observation in which an aging star devours a Jupiter-sized planet? The first time an aging star ate a Jupiter-sized planet was seen in a new study that […]

    NASA’s Webb Telescope Measures exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 b’s Temperature

    NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has enabled an international team of researchers to determine the temperature of TRAPPIST-1 b, a rocky exoplanet. The measurement of temperature relies on the planet’s emission of thermal energy. It is in the form of infrared light that the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) of the Webb telescope detected de. The team’s […]

    Exploring the Universe’s Hidden Secrets: A Journey with the Spitzer Space Telescope!

    The universe is vast and complex, and our ability to grasp it is limited by the instruments we have at our disposal. That’s where remarkable space-based observatories like the Spitzer Space Telescope come in – with its advanced infrared capabilities. This telescope allowed us to see the universe in a whole new light. That unlocks […]

    The James Webb Space Telescope by chance discovered a small asteroid!

    The massive asteroid is the size of the Washington Monument. This demonstrates the power of the powerful telescope in discovering celestial objects even in our own backyard. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) discovered the smallest asteroid estimated to be the size of Rome’s Colosseum. The JWST is have caught various small objects since its […]

    Journey to Kepler 209: Unveiling Its Neptune-Like Planets

    Kepler 209 is an exoplanet similar to Neptune. Moreover, it orbits a G-type star. It’s 5.73 times the mass of Earth, and takes 16.1 days to complete one orbit around its star. Additionally, it positioned 0.122 astronomical units (AU) away from its star. Its discovery was announced in 2014. Quick Facts & Details: Kepler-209 is […]