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    Earth-like Exoplanets List & Names (Current Updates)

    Since 1995, scientists have found more than 4,000 Earth-like exoplanets. It would surely be your surprise that these planets are outside our solar system. NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration page says the Kepler Space Telescope found most of these.  Astronomers really wanted to find the first “alien Earth.” The Earth-like planets in the Milky Way.  New discoveries […]

    Spiral Arms of a Star- An Exoplanet is a Cosmic Sculptor

    Scientists have made an extraordinary observation by uncovering a giant exoplanet’s captivating spiral arms within its host star’s gaseous and dusty confines. Does it sound intriguing? Yes, it is! Our galaxy unfolds many crisp theories every day that paved the way for scientific theories and inventions. An Enigmatic Giant Planet MWC 758c Sculpting the Reddest […]

    Silicate clouds on exoplanet (VHS 1256 b) atmospheres detected by JWST

    NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has detected silicate cloud features in the atmosphere of a distant exoplanet called VHS 1256 b, which is located about 40 light-years away from us. VHS 1256 b is a planetary-mass object that orbits not one but two stars over 10,000 years. The atmosphere of this exoplanet is very […]

    JWST Unlocks the Secrets of Gas Giant Atmospheres

    Which planets is gas? Gas planets, also known as gas giants, have long intrigued astronomers and space enthusiasts alike. These colossal celestial bodies, predominantly composed of hydrogen and helium, play a crucial role in the cosmic ballet of planetary systems. Recent advancements in astronomical research and technology, including contributions from the James Webb Space Telescope […]

    NASA’s Webb Telescope Finds Ingredients for Planets Near IRAS 2A

    IRAS 2A: A Cosmic Laboratory Unraveling the Secrets of Star and Planet Formation In the vast expanses of the universe, nestled within the constellation of Perseus, lies a young protostar known as IRAS 2A. This celestial body has recently come into the limelight thanks to the groundbreaking observations made by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope […]

    Phobos in Focus: Perseverance Rover Captures Martian Moon’s Secrets

    As NASA’s Perseverance rover diligently explores the Martian surface, its scientific endeavors extend beyond the red planet itself. One celestial body that has captured the rover’s attention is Phobos, one of Mars’ moons, alongside its counterpart Deimos. These peculiar moons, present a fascinating enigma for scientists, prompting a deeper exploration into their origins, composition, and […]

    Cosmic Cannibalism: White Dwarf Star Metallic ‘Scars’ Expose Celestial Devouring

    White Dwarf Stars: Unveiling the Secrets of Stellar Remnants In the depths of the cosmos lie objects that shine as testaments to the end of a star’s life – white dwarf star. These dense, Earth-sized remnants are the final stage for most stars in the universe, including our own Sun. Once a star exhausts its […]

    Dark, Cold, and Alone: The Shocking Secrets of Rogue Planets Revealed!

    In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where celestial bodies follow predictable orbits and dance to the gravitational tunes of their parent stars, there exists a mysterious and intriguing class of wanderers – the rogue planets. These celestial nomads defy the conventional rules of planetary motion, untethered by the gravitational bonds that typically tie planets […]

    NASA Finds Water Molecules on the Surface of Asteroids For the First Time!

    Water on Asteroids: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Cosmos The discovery of water on asteroids marks a groundbreaking advancement in the field of astrophysics, opening new avenues for understanding the distribution of water within our solar system and its implications for life as we know it. Is there water on asteroids? Announced on February 12, […]

    TOI-715 b: A Super Earth in the Habitable Zone

    The quest to find Earth-like planets beyond our solar system has led to the discovery of a new category of exoplanets known as “Super Earth.” These planets, larger than Earth but smaller than ice giants like Neptune, have captured the imagination of scientists and space enthusiasts alike. Among these, TOI-715 b stands out as a […]