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    Astronomers Observed Slow Early Universe Timeline

    Looking far into space to analyze early universe timeline means peering back in time. The more distant the object, the earlier we see the Universe’s history. This is a way to see what the Universe was like shortly after the Big Bang.   Einstein’s theory of relativity and Time’s slower movement Albert Einstein’s famous theory, […]

    A Billowing Irregular Galaxy Has Been Captured by Hubble

    News: The image of an Irregular Galaxy captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope unveils the captivating galaxy NGC 7292, adorned with a handful of luminous stars and the ethereal blurs of galaxies situated in the distant backdrop. Irregular Galaxy Shows the Picture of Vastness of the Nature The celestial beauty known as NGC 7292, […]

    ‘Einstein Cross’ Surreal, Occurrence After Distant Supernova

    IA supernovae following which, Einstein Cross occurred, play a crucial role. Measuring the vast distances of the cosmos poses a significant challenge for astronomers, who employ various methods and tools collectively known as the cosmic distance ladder. These supernovae occur in binary systems where a white dwarf star feeds on matter from its companion, often […]

    Webb Telescope Proves Early Universe was Transformed by the Galaxies

    News: The gas between stars and galaxies was non-transparent in the early universe, and intense starlight could not penetrate it. However, 1 billion years after the great bang, the gas was entirely transparent. But what could be the possible reason for the gas being non-opaque? Why Were the Galaxies in the Early Universe Not Transparent? […]

    A Collapsed Star is Turning into a Gigantic Diamond!

    Have you ever heard about a tiny collapsed star turning into a big diamond? Yes, that is true! As we all know the star is a white tiny item and the shriveled shell of a sun-like star that burnt off most of its fuel before collapsing. But, let’s find out what happens that become a […]

    Brightest Gamma Ray Burst: One of the Most Powerful Space Explosions Ever Seen!

    Scientists have discovered the brightest gamma-ray burst which is considered one of the most powerful space explosions. Do you want to know what has really caused it, and how it was discovered? Then, look at the recent findings first! Scientist have explored a structured jet carrying large amounts of blown star guts. They are pointing […]

    Betelgeuse Brightness Surge Stirs Supernova Speculations

    Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star that can be easily spotted as a bright red dot on the shoulder of the Orion constellation. Even if you had never heard the name before It is a well-known feature in the night sky. Betelgeuse has become more noticeable in recent years due to changes in its appearance. […]

    Stellar Nursery Secrets: Uncovering Sun’s Origin

    It’s not quite clear where the sun was created. There seem to be a lot of competing theories on the Sun’s Origin, according to some recent ones. Could the Sun be an only child? Or perhaps it came from a (very) large family. If you think your family reunions are awful, just try to picture […]

    James Webb telescope captures vibrant image of Cassiopeia A

    Astronomers have captured an image of Cassiopeia A, the remaining debris of a supernova explosion of a colossal star in our Milky Way, through the James Webb Space Telescope. The image exhibits vibrant hues and intricate formations, providing an opportunity for astrophysical investigations to understand the star’s demise. Moreover, by studying the composition of the […]

    Israeli Space Telescope Launched by NASA!

    The Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite (ULTRASAT) will be the first Israeli space telescope project, and it will be launched by NASA. The ultraviolet observatory ULTRASAT will explore the mysteries of transient cosmic occurrences including supernova explosions and neutron star mergers. The Weizmann Institute of Science and the Israel Space Agency is involved with ULTRASAT. They […]