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    Brightest Gamma Ray Burst: One of the Most Powerful Space Explosions Ever Seen!

    Scientists have discovered the brightest gamma-ray burst which is considered one of the most powerful space explosions. Do you want to know what has really caused it, and how it was discovered? Then, look at the recent findings first! Scientist have explored a structured jet carrying large amounts of blown star guts. They are pointing […]

    Hubble Sets Out on Mission to Discover an Intermediate-sized Black Hole

    Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope have discovered what they believe to be some of the greatest evidence yet for the presence of a rare type of intermediate-sized black hole lurking in the heart of the nearest globular star cluster to Earth, about 6,000 light-years distant. What are the formation, distribution, and rarity of intermediate-mass […]

    Galactic Merger of Arp 220 Captured by NASA’s James Webb

    The galactic merger of Arp 220, has recently been featured in a stunning image taken by NASA’s forthcoming James Webb Space Telescope. Arp 220 is an ultra-luminous infrared galaxy. It emits over a trillion suns’ worth of luminosity. This galaxy is a remarkable example of intense star formation. The collision of two spiral galaxies triggered […]

    Event Horizon Telescope discovers a black hole feeding a dazzling monster object!

    Using the Event Horizon Telescope, astronomers have captured an image of a quasar (bright structure at the galaxies’ cores) at the Centre of a faraway galaxy that emits vast amounts of light fueled by a feeding supermassive black hole. Such stunning phenomena, which can generate more energy than all the stars in their parent galaxy […]

    CEERS 1019: A Blackhole Detection by James Webb

    Located in the galaxy CEERS 1019, this black hole existed slightly over 570 million years after the big bang. Scientists using the James Webb Space Telescope have made a groundbreaking discovery by finding the most distant live supermassive black hole. How did researchers make the discoveries like black holes in CEERS 1019? What makes it […]

    How will Euclid space telescope see the dark universe?

    The Euclid space telescope is poised to revolutionize our understanding of the cosmos by providing unprecedented insights into the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy. As our current understanding of the universe teeters on the brink of transformation, this ambitious mission holds the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe’s composition and expansion. […]

    Is ROXs 42Bb the biggest planet? Let’s Find Out

    In 2013, scientists found a large gas planet similar to Jupiter. It is exoplanet ROXs 42Bb which is located about 500 light-years away. It orbits a cooler, dimmer M-type star which is 1.34 times wider than our Sun. Radius, Weight & Diameter: This gas giant, named ROXs 42Bb has a radius 1.12 times that of […]

    Protostars and Their Role in the Universe Revealed

    Introduction The dazzling celestial tapestry of our night sky is adorned with countless stars, each with its unique tale of creation and evolution. But have you ever wondered how these celestial luminaries come into existence? In this article, we delve into the fundamentals of Protostars, exploring their formation through gravitational instability and their distinctive characteristics. […]

    List of Most Popular & Well-Known Barred Spiral Galaxies

    The barred spiral galaxy is a fascinating class of galaxies in the universe. They are characterized by the presence of a central bar-shaped structure composed of stars, around which the spiral arms of the galaxy extend. This article explores some of the most popular and well-known barred spiral galaxies, delving into their unique features, history, […]

    Timeline of the Big Bang – Facts That You Didn’t Know

    Many people think that the model of the timeline of the Big Bang paves its way to explain a lot. And that is true! For instance, it tells us about the universe’s history and development. Moreover, the universe began as an incredibly hot and dense point.  Besides telling you some crisp information, it also tells […]