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    Sun-watching Proba-3 formation flyers tested for take-off

    Proba-3 is made up of two satellites that launched together into orbit for a single mission. What will Proba-3 Flyers Observe? The pair will fly in precise formation relative to one another to cast a sustained shadow. This shadow will be from the disk-faced ‘Occulter spacecraft to the ‘Coronagraph spacecraft. Due to this, it will […]

    BepiColombo Mission braces for third Mercury flyby

    News: The ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission project is preparing for its next close flyby of Mercury on June 19. It will be about 236 km above the planet’s surface at that time. Solar Electric Operations for BepiColombo Third’s FlyBy  This is the third of six flybys that ESA’s spacecraft control team is leading BepiColombo mission through […]

    Webb Telescope Proves Early Universe was Transformed by the Galaxies

    News: The gas between stars and galaxies was non-transparent in the early universe, and intense starlight could not penetrate it. However, 1 billion years after the great bang, the gas was entirely transparent. But what could be the possible reason for the gas being non-opaque? Why Were the Galaxies in the Early Universe Not Transparent? […]

    Cosmic Collisions Reveals Enormous 1.5 Million Light-Year Tail!

    In a groundbreaking revelation, astronomers have utilized NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory to unveil the extraordinary phenomenon of “cosmic collisions” within the immense realm of the universe. The observation reveals that NGC 4839, a conglomerate of galaxies, is presently engaged in a collision course with the awe-inspiring Coma galaxy cluster, resulting in the creation of an […]

    NGC 5068 unveils: Webb’s Captivating Star Formation Image

    News: Introduction: The James Webb Space Telescope has unveiled a breathtaking image showcasing the delicate interplay between dust, star clusters, and luminous tendrils of gas. This composite image, captured using two of Webb’s instruments, reveals the barred spiral galaxy NGC 5068, with its prominent central bar visible in the upper left corner. NASA Administrator Bill […]

    Water Vapor Plume Discovered on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

    You will be surprised to know that astounding revelations have emerged as researchers, harnessing the remarkable capabilities of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, uncovered a captivating phenomenon: a captivating water vapor plume emanating from Saturn’s enchanting moon, Enceladus. This remarkable plume stretches a staggering distance of over 6,000 miles, equivalent to the approximate span between […]

    The Telescope Allocation Committee Unveil What Webb Observes Next

    Space Telescope Science Institute’s Telescope Allocation Committee outlines the target selection procedure for the next cycle of Webb observations, sparking celebration among astronomers worldwide. What is the purpose of the peer-review process? “On May 10, the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s science operations center, announced the scientific program for Cycle […]

    Hubble Telescope Reveals Mesmerizing Drifting Jellyfish Galaxy in Latest Capture

    This NASA/ESA photograph of the Hubble Space Telescope shows the serenely drifting jellyfish galaxy JW39. This galaxy, one of many jellyfish galaxies Hubble has observed over the past two years, lies around 900 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices. What are the effects of galaxy clusters on the shape and gas content of […]

    Hungry Black Hole Erupts a Jet of X-rays 60,000 Times Hotter Than the Sun

    As astronomers ventured into the depths of a hungry black hole, their gaze unveiled a remarkable sight—a fierce surge of X-rays erupting from it, boasting a temperature a staggering 60,000 times hotter than the surface of our very own sun. What are Quasars? Are They Hungry Black Hole? Quasars are black holes that emit dazzling, […]

    Spherical Robots for Rescue Operations Created by NASA

    Dr. Alice Agogino was working on spherical robots that could one day be dropped onto Mars or the Moon to collect data and conduct the study when she discovered her NASA-funded technology could also be used on Earth. What kind of data can the robots collect on Mars or the Moon? After reading a study […]