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    Andromeda Galaxy Planets – Facts That You Didn’t Know

    Does Andromeda galaxy planets occur? If so, are they habitate too? Let’s answer your queries in this blog post! As galaxies fill the universe, there is a belief system that the observable universe holds around two trillion of them. Among these galaxies, the closest one to us is the Andromeda galaxy, located approximately 2.5 million […]

    What is Jupiter Atmosphere made of?

    Introduction Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is most famous for its complex and vibrant Jupiter atmosphere. This gas giant is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium, but the Jupiter atmosphere is teeming with other elements and compounds. These give rise to intricate weather patterns, the iconic Great Red Spot, mesmerizing zonal bands, […]

    Spiral Arms of a Star- An Exoplanet is a Cosmic Sculptor

    Scientists have made an extraordinary observation by uncovering a giant exoplanet’s captivating spiral arms within its host star’s gaseous and dusty confines. Does it sound intriguing? Yes, it is! Our galaxy unfolds many crisp theories every day that paved the way for scientific theories and inventions. An Enigmatic Giant Planet MWC 758c Sculpting the Reddest […]

    Silicate clouds on exoplanet (VHS 1256 b) atmospheres detected by JWST

    NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has detected silicate cloud features in the atmosphere of a distant exoplanet called VHS 1256 b, which is located about 40 light-years away from us. VHS 1256 b is a planetary-mass object that orbits not one but two stars over 10,000 years. The atmosphere of this exoplanet is very […]

    In a Gravitational Lens, James Webb saw the same Galaxy three times

    On February 28, 2023, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) mission tweeted about its latest observation Gravitational Lens of a galaxy, which included three separate photos. The JWST’s capacity to capture such breathtaking imagery continuously amazes and captivates both scientists and space enthusiasts. How does the JWST take three photographs of the same object at […]

    Astronomers have detected a Second Planet Orbiting Two Stars!

    Planets in binary star systems face a difficult situation. The gravitational pulls of two separate stars have been overcome by them. Planet formation around a single star, such as our Sun, is simpler than circumbinary planet formation. Until recently, astronomers were unsure they existed. Astronomers rarely come across binary stars that have planets orbiting them. […]

    Earth-like Planets dance around distant stars in a stunning 12-year timelapse!

    In a stunning new timelapse collected over a dozen years, four Jupiter-mass exoplanets dance around their distant star. Where is HR 8799? HR8799 is located approximately 133 light-years fromĀ  Earth like Planets in the constellation Pegasus and is 1.5 times the mass of our sun. (The nearest star system to our planet is Alpha Centauri […]