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    Olympus Mons: Unveiling the Solar System’s Giant

    Olympus Mons located on the Red Planet and is the largest volcano in our solar system, which looms high above the Martian plains.  This marvel of the solar system is capturing the imagination of scientists and space enthusiasts alike.  It’s a volcano so colossal that it makes the tallest mountain on Earth look like a […]

    Solar Storm and Advancement with AI: Exploring the Dark Side of the Sun

    Have you ever heard of a solar storm? These fascinating and dangerous phenomena occur when the Sun releases a burst of energy in the form of charged particles and electromagnetic radiation into space, which can cause geomagnetic storms on Earth. However, if you are wondering what would happen if a solar storm were to hit […]

    The NASA Roman simulations reveal millions of galaxies!

    A massive simulated survey has been developed by scientists, which provides insight into what can be anticipated from the future observations of the Nancy Grace  Roman simulations Space Telescope. Even though this virtual version is only a bit of the actual survey that will take place, it comprises an enormous number of 33 million galaxies and […]

    CO2 emissions by country tracked by NASA’s OCO-2 satellite

    Researchers used satellite measurements to determine CO2 emissions by country and carbon uptake at the national level. Using a NASA satellite that looks at Earth, CO2 emissions in more than 100 countries worldwide have been tracked. This project provides information on the amount of carbon dioxide released by certain countries. It also measures the carbon […]

    Cheops shows scorching exoplanet acts like a mirror

    Now, for the first time, scientists have found an exoplanet by Cheops that shines as brightly as Venus. Aside from the Moon, Venus is the biggest thing we can see in the night sky. Its thick layer of clouds returns about 75% of the Sun’s light. On the other hand, Earth only produces about 30% […]

    TOI-733b: A New World Between Earth and Mars

    The scientific community recently found a new planet called TOI-733b. It is situated 245 light-years away from Earth. It’s a bit smaller than Earth but has a unique feature – its atmosphere. Lost Atmosphere & Oceanic World: Experts have two possible explanations for this planet. First, it might have lost its atmosphere, or second, it […]

    KOI 4878: Earth-Like Exoplanet Detected by Kepler

    Koi 4878 is one of the most similar exoplanets to the Earth. It was primarily detected by Kepler’s mission. So, let’s have a look at some of the significant features of this planet, and uncover why this planet is most intrigued by the scientists. Location from the Earth: It is located around 1075 light years […]

    Is ROXs 42Bb the biggest planet? Let’s Find Out

    In 2013, scientists found a large gas planet similar to Jupiter. It is exoplanet ROXs 42Bb which is located about 500 light-years away. It orbits a cooler, dimmer M-type star which is 1.34 times wider than our Sun. Radius, Weight & Diameter: This gas giant, named ROXs 42Bb has a radius 1.12 times that of […]

    Can Webb Telescope detect Habitable Exoplanet?

    The habitable exoplanet, SPECULOOS-2c or LP 890-9c, was found in September 2022. It circles its star every 8.5 Earth days at a distance of just 1.7 million miles (2.8 million kilometers), yet its diameter is 40% higher than Earth’s. A Potentially Habitable Exoplanet is Near a Tiny Red Dwarf Star: However, because the red dwarf […]

    HD 100546 b: The Mystery Between Planets and Stars

    Brown dwarfs, though not precisely classified as planets, often come up in discussions due to their position between planets and stars. One well-known example is HD 100546 b with a radius 6.9 times that of Jupiter. Let’s Know More About This Exoplanet: HD 100546 b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a B-type star. […]