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    NASA Released its solar eclipse 2024 interactive map

    If you plan to observe the annular solar eclipse on October 14, 2023, or the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, in the United States, NASA’s latest solar eclipse 2024 interactive map could be an invaluable guide. The map, created using data from multiple NASA missions, shows the path of the Moon’s shadow as it […]

    Martian clouds observed in stunning color by Curiosity rover

    The veteran rover captured a spectacular sunset at the beginning of a new cloud-imaging mission. NASA’s Curiosity rover captured exceptional Martian clouds and sunset last month. Martian sunsets are based on a particular gloom. As the Sun fell below the horizon on February 2, bright rays highlighted a cloud bank. These “sun beams” are crepuscular, […]

    Space Farming: Growing Crops Beyond Our Planet!

    The urge to learn more about the cosmos has captivated humans for generations. One of the problems facing scientists and engineers as we continue to push the limits of space exploration is how to obtain food on long-duration space trips. Space farming is the answer to this problem. What is Space Farming? Also known as […]

    The James Webb Space Telescope by chance discovered a small asteroid!

    The massive asteroid is the size of the Washington Monument. This demonstrates the power of the powerful telescope in discovering celestial objects even in our own backyard. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) discovered the smallest asteroid estimated to be the size of Rome’s Colosseum. The JWST is have caught various small objects since its […]

    Emission Nebula: Where Stars are Born and Die

    Introduction Space is not a barren wasteland but a complex environment teeming with celestial objects and phenomena. Among the most intriguing of these are emission nebula. These vibrant, glowing clouds of gas serve as cosmic nurseries where new stars are born. This article will delve into the science behind emission nebulae, examining their composition, formation, […]

    Seven Sisters Star Cluster – Jupiter Shines Near the Moon

    Guys, you all have to stay up late to view the serene view of the seven sisters Star cluster. This is the view with which Jupiter also shines near the moon. Let’s keep hovering. How can you see this impressive view? Let’s know more about this spectacular view! Celestial Spectacle: Moon Meets Pleiades and Jupiter […]

    Why Russia’s Luna-25 Robotic Moon Mission Crashed?

    Introduction: The High Hopes for Luna-25 The Luna-25 mission was highly anticipated as Russia’s comeback to lunar exploration after almost 50 years of hiatus. This mission was designed to symbolize Russia’s re-entry into the realm of space exploration, particularly targeting the moon. However, the events that unfolded tell a different story. Luna-25 failed to accomplish […]

    James Webb Captured Supersonic Outflow of a Young Star

    A New Glimpse into Cosmic Phenomena The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) never fails to astonish with its detailed images of celestial bodies. One of its most recent captures showcases Herbig-Haro 211 (HH 211)—jets of star matter erupting from a young star at breakneck speeds. Where Does HH 211 Reside? Situated in the constellation Perseus, […]

    Black hole switches on as astronomers watched, surprised

    Want to know some astounding information about black hole ‘switches on’ and relevant events? If yes, then you’re absolutely in the right place. Here’s given an amazing piece of information to you; What was the J221951 ‘black hole switches on’ incident? One of the brightest transient events in the universe occurs when a giant black […]

    Tasco Space Station Telescope Review

    The Tasco Space Station Telescope 114mm Reflector ST Newtonian telescope is a great choice for serious beginners and intermediate amateur astronomers. With its 4.4″ diameter, it excels at collecting light, making it ideal for spotting faint celestial objects like clusters and nebulae. Moreover, its coated glass optics ensure sharp and bright images of the moon […]