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    ESA Hera Mission: Measuring the Impact of NASA’s DART on Dimorphos

    The European Space Agency (ESA) has announced its upcoming Hera mission. The mission aims to follow up on the success of NASA’s DART mission. On September 26, 2022, the NASA DART team changed the orbit of an asteroid named Dimorphos. They did this using the DART spacecraft through a kinetic impact. This marked a significant […]

    Potential Gamma-Ray Burst that Occurs Once Every 10,000 Year is Under Research by NASA!

    A gamma-ray burst  Gamma-Ray Burst emitted the BOAT, or “brightest of all time,” radiation pulse on October 9, 2022. This rare occurrence has piqued the interest of NASA scientists who have launched missions to study it. The burst was so powerful that it overwhelmed most gamma-ray instruments in space, making it challenging to record the […]

    NASA’s IXPE Captures Stunning Image of Vela Pulsar Wind Nebula!

    Approximately 10,000 years ago, the light produced by a massive star’s explosion in the constellation Vela reached Earth. As a result, the supernova formed a compact object known as a pulsar. However, It seems to illuminate periodically as it rotates, resembling a celestial lighthouse. The pulsar’s surface produces streams of particles that move near the […]

    Webb Discovers Complex Gas and Dust Networks in Nearby Galaxies!

    At infrared wavelengths, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is revealing star formation, and networks of gas and dust in nearby galaxies. An initial collection of 21 research publications has shed light on how the universe’s simplest processes, such as star formation, affect the history of its largest objects, galaxies. PHANGS collaboration: In Webb’s first year […]

    Pandora’s Cluster: NASA’s Webb Uncovers New Details

    NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has released its latest deep field image, which shows previously unseen details in a region of space known as Pandora’s Cluster (Abell 2744). Three huge galaxies join to form a giant cluster, according to Webb. Due to the cluster’s gravitational lens, scientists can identify even more distant galaxies from the […]

    The Mysteries and Wonders of Dark Nebulae

    The cosmos is a realm filled with numerous celestial phenomena, and one of the most intriguing among them is the Dark Nebula. Unlike their more famous counterparts, the bright, glowing emission nebulae, dark nebulae are more enigmatic, cloaking themselves in veils of gas and dust. They don’t produce their own light; instead, they are identified […]

    CEERS Survey, 3D Visualization Revealed upto 5000 Galaxies

    CEERS survey presented a collection of pictures in a video form and this video shows pictures of thousands of galaxies taken by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. It’s part of a big project called the CEERS Survey. The video starts by showing galaxies near Earth and then moves on to far-away galaxies. These faraway galaxies […]

    Black hole switches on as astronomers watched, surprised

    Want to know some astounding information about black hole ‘switches on’ and relevant events? If yes, then you’re absolutely in the right place. Here’s given an amazing piece of information to you; What was the J221951 ‘black hole switches on’ incident? One of the brightest transient events in the universe occurs when a giant black […]

    NGC 3256 Galaxy Image | Clash of Titans

    The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope has captured this incredible image of a galaxy NGC 3256.  Situated approximately 120 million light-years away in the Vela constellation, this galaxy, similar in size to our Milky Way, resides within the Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster. NGC 3256: A Cosmic Collision Unveils an Interesting Past NGC 3256 appears as a swirling […]

    Luhman 16: An Invisible Star System Near Us

     On March 11, 2013, the team operating the WISE infrared telescope made a surprising discovery. They found Luhman 16, a pair of brown dwarfs located 6.5 light years from our Sun. It is ranking as the third most distant star system known. Let’s quickly review this discovery, and unfold some of the valuable content. The […]