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    Polar Cyclone Discovered on Uranus – NASA Unveils

    For the first time, NASA scientists have strong evidence of a polar cyclone on Uranus. By examining radio waves emitted from the ice giant, they detected the phenomenon at the planet’s north pole. The findings confirm a broad truth about all planets with substantial atmospheres in our solar system: Whether the planets are composed mainly […]

    NASA Seeks Lunar Terrain Vehicle Services for Artemis Missions

    To investigate the south polar region of the Moon during Artemis missions, NASA is looking for industry proposals for a next-generation LTV (Lunar Terrain Vehicle). This LTV will enable humans to travel further and carry out more science than ever before. The Artemis crew will use the LTV to explore and sample more of the […]

    NASA Selects Blue Origin as Second Artemis Lunar Lander Provider

    NASA has chosen Blue Origin from Kent, Washington to create a human landing system for their Artemis V mission to the Moon. NASA’s Artemis mission is going to explore more of the Moon than ever before! This will help us discover new things about the Moon and prepare for future missions to Mars. What role […]

    Perseverance Rover Snaps Images of Belva Crater on Mars

    During its most recent science campaign, the six-wheeled scientist came across the crater while looking for rock samples that could be transported back to Earth for further investigation. The Mastcam-Z instrument on NASA’s Perseverance rover recently took 152 photos while exploring Belva Crater, a large impact crater within the much larger Jezero Crater. The data, […]

    AIAA honors NASA’s DART and James Webb with 2023 Premier Awards

    The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) designated NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope and Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) missions and contractors as three of the AIAA Premier Awards recipients for 2023. The awards honor those in the aerospace industry that AIAA considers to be the most influential and inspiring. “We congratulate both the […]

    Snake-Like Robot by NASA is on a task to find life on a moon

    JPL has developed a new Snake-Like robot called Snake-Like EELS that can move like a snake. This robot is designed to explore new terrain and environments. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is testing a robot that can explore challenging terrain on its own. The robot can map and move around different areas without any help. How […]

    Solar Flares and CMEs Exploration through Energetic Neutral Atom Modelling

    What are solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CME) and how do they affect Earth’s magnetic field? Solar flares and CMEs (coronal mass ejections) are powerful events that happen in the solar system. They send a lot of energy toward Earth’s magnetic field in the form of plasma gas. This can cause problems for power […]

    Picture of Earth Captured by MTG-I1 Satellite, Enhances Weather Insights

    A new European weather satellite MTG-I1 has taken a high-quality picture of Earth. The image shows our planet looking beautiful, but with lots of clouds that could mean bad weather. When was the new weather satellite MTG-I1 launched and what is its purpose? On December 12, 2022, Europe’s meteorological satellite agency, EUMETSAT, and the European […]

    Four of the Largest Uranus Moons May have Oceans

    NASA scientists have looked at data from Voyager spacecraft and used computer modeling to find out that four of Uranus’ biggest moons may have oceans between their icy crusts and cores. This study is the first to explain how the insides of all five big moons – Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon, and Miranda – have […]

    Stellar Nursery Secrets: Uncovering Sun’s Origin

    It’s not quite clear where the sun was created. There seem to be a lot of competing theories on the Sun’s Origin, according to some recent ones. Could the Sun be an only child? Or perhaps it came from a (very) large family. If you think your family reunions are awful, just try to picture […]