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    Snake-Like Robot by NASA is on a task to find life on a moon

    JPL has developed a new Snake-Like robot called Snake-Like EELS that can move like a snake. This robot is designed to explore new terrain and environments. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is testing a robot that can explore challenging terrain on its own. The robot can map and move around different areas without any help. How […]

    Ascraeus Mons: Chasms on the flanks of a Martian volcano

    Some of the Solar System’s most stunning volcanoes are found on Mars. The second-tallest mountain on the planet, Ascraeus Mons, has now been observed by ESA’s Mars Express. The High-Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on Mars Express provided the data for this image. How was Ascraeus Mons observed and what data was used? Three major volcanoes […]

    Mysterious Planet revealed by NASA’s Webb Telescope – A detailed study

    NASA’s Webb telescope has captured the most detailed images yet of a mysterious planet! NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has discovered a mysterious planet far away from our solar system. This planet is different from any other planet we know because it reflects a lot of light and has a hot and humid atmosphere. This […]

    Complex Fomalhaut Dust Belts Revealed by Webb Telescope

    Astronomers took a picture of the Fomalhaut Dust Belts using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. They did this to study the first asteroid belt ever seen outside of our solar system in infrared light. The researchers were surprised to find that the dusty structures were more intricate than the dust belts found in our solar […]

    Four of the Largest Uranus Moons May have Oceans

    NASA scientists have looked at data from Voyager spacecraft and used computer modeling to find out that four of Uranus’ biggest moons may have oceans between their icy crusts and cores. This study is the first to explain how the insides of all five big moons – Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon, and Miranda – have […]

    Moon’s inner core is a solid ball of iron, say scientists

    Scientists have used earthquake data to discover that the Moon’s inner core is a solid ball with the same density as iron. The finding settled the controversy over whether the Moon’s inner core is solid or liquid and may help explain its history and the Solar System. Astronomer Arthur Briaud and his team from the […]

    Hubble captures shadow play on a planet-forming disk!

    Hubble captures “shadow puppets” as scientists observe the young star TW Hydrae with NASA’s iconic space telescope.” Prior Observation of the Shadows: In 2017, scientists reported finding a shadow moving across the surface of the red dwarf star’s encircling gas and dust disk, which has the appearance of a large pancake. The inner disk, which […]

    Sun Storm May Have Sparked Life on Earth

    Sun Storms and Life’s Origins: A new study proposes that early building blocks of life on Earth could have resulted from solar eruptions. Amino acids and carboxylic acids, the building blocks of proteins and organic life on Earth, can be formed when solar particles collide with gases in the early Earth’s atmosphere, as demonstrated by […]

    Aging Star Devours Jupiter-Sized Planet: A Preview of Our Sun’s Fate?

    An expanding dying star devours a Jupiter-sized planet. In approximately 5 billion years, our Sun will undergo a similar end-of-life phase. What is the significance of the recent observation in which an aging star devours a Jupiter-sized planet? The first time an aging star ate a Jupiter-sized planet was seen in a new study that […]

    Stellar Nursery Secrets: Uncovering Sun’s Origin

    It’s not quite clear where the sun was created. There seem to be a lot of competing theories on the Sun’s Origin, according to some recent ones. Could the Sun be an only child? Or perhaps it came from a (very) large family. If you think your family reunions are awful, just try to picture […]