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    Webb Discovers Complex Gas and Dust Networks in Nearby Galaxies!

    At infrared wavelengths, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is revealing star formation, and networks of gas and dust in nearby galaxies. An initial collection of 21 research publications has shed light on how the universe’s simplest processes, such as star formation, affect the history of its largest objects, galaxies. PHANGS collaboration: In Webb’s first year […]

    Pandora’s Cluster: NASA’s Webb Uncovers New Details

    NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has released its latest deep field image, which shows previously unseen details in a region of space known as Pandora’s Cluster (Abell 2744). Three huge galaxies join to form a giant cluster, according to Webb. Due to the cluster’s gravitational lens, scientists can identify even more distant galaxies from the […]

    A New Large Space Telescope is to be launched by NASA for a Space Survey

    After the successful launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JSWT), NASA is not taking any breaks. NASA is nowhere near stopping, instead of that this space research organization has announced to development of a new large space telescope.  In the 241st AAS Meeting, NASA shared James Webb Space Telescope’s (JWST) new findings and updates. […]

    Emission Nebula: Where Stars are Born and Die

    Introduction Space is not a barren wasteland but a complex environment teeming with celestial objects and phenomena. Among the most intriguing of these are emission nebula. These vibrant, glowing clouds of gas serve as cosmic nurseries where new stars are born. This article will delve into the science behind emission nebulae, examining their composition, formation, […]

    Dust Production from Reservoirs in Two Supernovae

    NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has been helping scientists make giant strides in understanding where all that cosmic dust production in early galaxies from. Exploring Supernovae and dust production They’ve been closely watching two major star explosions, Supernova 2004et (SN 2004et) and Supernova 2017eaw (SN 2017eaw). What’s exciting is that they came to know about […]

    CEERS Survey, 3D Visualization Revealed upto 5000 Galaxies

    CEERS survey presented a collection of pictures in a video form and this video shows pictures of thousands of galaxies taken by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. It’s part of a big project called the CEERS Survey. The video starts by showing galaxies near Earth and then moves on to far-away galaxies. These faraway galaxies […]

    What is a Reflection Nebula? – Dark Corners of Space

    Introduction When we peer into the abyss of space, a myriad of interstellar phenomena greets us. Nebulae, the enigmatic clouds of gas and dust, serve as the universe’s artistic canvases, capturing the imagination of astronomers and astrophotographers alike. Among the diverse types of nebulae, Reflection Nebula stand out as unique cosmic entities that provide insights […]

    Sun-like stars Birth and Celebration of Science’s First Year by Webb

    From our cosmic backyard in the solar system to faraway galaxies near the beginning of time, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has done what it said it would in its first year of science operations to show us the universe as we’ve never seen it before. NASA shared a picture of small Sun-like stars forming […]

    OSIRIS-REx Historic Return with Bennu Samples

    NASA’s OSIRIS-REx is an ongoing mission that visited and collected a sample from asteroid 101955 Bennu, with the aim of returning the sample to Earth on Sept. 24, 2023.   What is so Exciting About the OSIRIS-REx Mission? On Sunday morning, above the Utah desert, a parachute will deploy, gently lowering a capsule carrying approximately […]

    Cheops shows scorching exoplanet acts like a mirror

    Now, for the first time, scientists have found an exoplanet by Cheops that shines as brightly as Venus. Aside from the Moon, Venus is the biggest thing we can see in the night sky. Its thick layer of clouds returns about 75% of the Sun’s light. On the other hand, Earth only produces about 30% […]