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Parker Solar Probe

Parker Solar Probe Video, 16th Close Approach to the Sun

During the 16th run of the Parker Solar Probe video, the spaceship got as close to the Sun as 5.3 million miles. The credit goes to NASA, Johns Hopkins APL, Mike Yakovlev, and Josh Diaz.

When did parker solar probe’s 16th encounter occur to the Sun ?

On June 27, 2023, the Parker Solar Probe made its 16th trip around the Sun, which was a big deal. This included a close approach to the Sun on June 22, 2023, when the spaceship came within 5.3 million miles of the Sun’s surface while moving at 364,610 miles per hour. The spacecraft returned from the Sun’s flyby healthy and working as usual.

Currently, where does the parker solar probe lie?

The spaceship that NASA has created to investigate the Sun and its surrounding environment is called the Parker Solar Probe. At Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, which is located in Florida, it embarked on its mission on the 12th of August 2018, and it is now going around the Sun in a very elliptical pattern. This brings it nearer to the Sun than any other probe has ever gone. Parker Solar Probe is presently visible in the Gemini region. The mentioned Probe’s latest Right Orientation is 06 hours, 8 minutes, and 43 seconds, while its angle of declination is +22° 00′ 09″.

Parker Solar Spacecraft Encountering Venus

The Parker Solar Probe will conduct its sixth closest flyby by Venus on the 21st of August 2023. By June 7, 2023, the mission’s crew at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) changed the route for the initial time since March 20, 2022. The above was carried out to ensure an effortless journey for the spaceship. This is expected to be one of the six of Parker’s core mission’s 7 close encounters with Venus. Parker adjusts its orbit across the Sun using Venus’ gravity’s pull resulting in an upcoming aphelion that is only 4.5 million miles from the outermost region of the Sun. This aphelion will teach us more regarding heliophysics than previously observed as the Sun becomes increasingly active.

What were some scientific objectives regarding Parker solar mission?

The key scientific objectives of the expedition are to map the energy flow, comprehend stellar corona being heated, and investigate what speeds up the winds from the sun. A numerical assessment of the outermost corona is provided by the Parker Solar Probe.

Some specific science goals for the Parker Solar Probe are as follows;

  • Follow the path of the energy that the sun’s winds and corona use to heat up and accelerate.
  • Identify the magnetism and plasma fluxes’ structures and behaviour at the solar wind’s sites.
  • Investigate the processes that propel and move energetic particles around.

NASA’s parker mission revealing linkage between the Earth and the Sun

The Parker Solar Probe video was created to explore specifics of the Sun-Earth interaction that have an immediate influence on human existence and society as a component of NASA’s Working With a Star project. The Science Mission Directorate in Washington, D.C., manages the Living With a Star programme through the NASA Goddard Satellite  Centre in Greenbelt, Maryland. APL, which designed, built, and manages the spacecraft, is in charge of NASA’s project.

What is the reason for parker spacecraft being so quick?

Parker is expected to approach the Sun a total of over seven times nearer compared to any other probe. The spacecraft will make 24 rotations around the Sun throughout a period of 7 years. The probe will be only 3.9 million miles away from the Sun at its nearest encounter.

The majority of information that is collected by the Parker Solar Probe throughout its journey is obtained in the course of the spacecraft’s adventurous, super-close passing flights of the sun. This journey subject it to scorching temperatures and propel it at incredible speeds. The frequency of these close encounters is about once per five months.

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