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    Space Farming: Growing Crops Beyond Our Planet!

    The urge to learn more about the cosmos has captivated humans for generations. One of the problems facing scientists and engineers as we continue to push the limits of space exploration is how to obtain food on long-duration space trips. Space farming is the answer to this problem. What is Space Farming? Also known as […]

    Astronomers embark on a journey to uncover new gravitational waves!

    Astronomers are getting closer to identifying sources of continuous gravitational waves. This is all thanks to analyses of Scorpius X-2, a neutron star accreting matter from a low-mass binary companion. Astronomers progress in detecting gravitational waves! So far, cosmologists have only identified gravitational waves in the form of brief bursts from black hole-neutron star mergers. […]

    How fast can we travel in space with modern technology?

    We all know that nothing is faster than the speed of light. This is one of the major fundamental laws of science. However, as we are progressing in science and technology no one can say what will be the limits of our capabilities in the future. A well-known English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author Stephen […]

    2 Cosmonauts and 1 Astronaut return to earth from space after 1 year

    Extended Space Mission Nears Conclusion The forthcoming conclusion of a momentous orbital mission that has captured the public’s attention is generating palpable excitement. Representing NASA, Astronaut Frank Rubio and his Russian comrades, Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitri Petelin from the Russian space agency Roscosmos, are prepared to return to Earth from space. Their anticipated departure from […]

    Cheops shows scorching exoplanet acts like a mirror

    Now, for the first time, scientists have found an exoplanet by Cheops that shines as brightly as Venus. Aside from the Moon, Venus is the biggest thing we can see in the night sky. Its thick layer of clouds returns about 75% of the Sun’s light. On the other hand, Earth only produces about 30% […]

    Mars Helicopter Successful 52nd Flight Amidst Connectivity Issues

    The brave Ingenuity Mars helicopter might return to the air in the next two weeks. How was the 52nd flight of the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter? The 52nd flight of NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter was a success. This is now written in the mission record. The breakout happened on April 26, but mission controllers at NASA’s […]

    Is Exoplanet Koi-3010.01 Potentially Habitable?

    In 2011, the Kepler mission spotted an Exoplanet koi-3010.01 using the transit method. Scientists are really interested in this planet because it shares Earth-like qualities. So, without any delay let’s explore some of the common elements that this exoplanet and our Earth shares! ‘Lyra’ Constellation of Exoplanet koi-3010.01: The red dwarf KOI-3010 is 1,213 light-years […]

    Mars Moon Phobos’s Surface Would Have a Tiny Rover

    Have you ever heard about Phobos’ surface? No, then this blog is just for you! Let’s uncover some crisp information, and see the recent findings. Where Does the Phobos Surface (Mars’s Moon) Come From? There are many robots currently in space, orbiting or on Mars. These robots are trying to learn more about Mars, its […]

    Aurora Lightning – The Fascinating Sun-Earth Connection!

    The northern aurora lightning is an atmospheric phenomenon that’s regarded as the Holy Grail of sky-watching.  The northern lights, or you may say aurora borealis have captivates people’s heart in a vert fascinating way. But this breathtaking presentation is actually quite powerful. So, let’s have look at some of the valuable content on aurora lightning, […]

    MAVEN Spacecraft by NASA Stuns with Ultraviolet Views of Red Planet

    News: NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft project has taken two amazing pictures of Mars using ultraviolet light. This light can show us a lot about the planet’s air and surface. Maven, a NASA spacecraft, enters orbit over Mars. According to NASA, the Maven spacecraft effectively completed an engine run to reach Martian orbit and start its journey […]