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    How does AI help NASA in space exploration?

    Isn’t it interesting that AI in space exploration is making incredible milestones day after day? When humans look up to the night sky, they often get stunned by its spaciousness and curiosity. Even in today’s world, that sense of curiosity continues. But, thanks to modern technology, and artificial intelligence. They have emerged as a powerful […]

    NASA’s Cold Atom Lab Paves Way for Quantum Chemistry in Space

    Exploring the enigmatic realms of the universe has taken a momentous leap with a groundbreaking achievement aboard the International Space Station (ISS). In a historic feat, scientists have successfully generated a quantum gas composed of two distinct types of atoms within the confines of space. This monumental experiment, facilitated by NASA’s Cold Atom Laboratory, signifies […]

    Arrival of Russian Soyuz Spacecraft MS-24 at ISS with a Crew of 3 Astronauts

    The Soyuz spacecraft, a quintessential icon of human space exploration, stands as a testament to the ingenuity and perseverance of spacefaring endeavors. This venerable vessel, originating from the Soviet Union, has transcended geopolitical boundaries and temporal epochs, evolving from a Cold War relic into a vital instrument in the collaborative ventures of international space exploration. […]

    What will Three Mini Rovers of NASA Explore on the Moon?

    NASA plans to send a group of three mini rovers to the Moon. That is aiming to assess their ability to work together. And not only this, but they also possess the ability to have direct control without the involvement of any humans as controllers on Earth.   Will Robots Overtake the Process of Autonomous […]

    Is the Pinwheel Galaxy getting more bigger?

    Introduction Among the countless celestial wonders that fascinate astronomers and sky gazers alike, the Pinwheel Galaxy officially known as Messier 101 (M101) stands as a spectacular example of a face-on spiral galaxy. Its symmetrical spiral arms and intricate dust lanes make it a favorite subject for amateur astronomers with telescopes and professionals using state-of-the-art observatories. […]

    What is Mars Colony & How This Could Speed up Human Evolution?

    Humans continue to tackle the technological obstacles of deep space missions, which involve Mars colony too. So, the idea of exploring and establishing colonies on extraterrestrial outposts is being seriously discussed by space agencies and private companies. However, we need to consider whether we should pursue these endeavors solely because we have the capability to […]

    Firefly Launch: Revolutionizing Space Access

    In the realm of aerospace and commercial space flight, Firefly Aerospace is a name that resonates with innovation, capability, and an unwavering pursuit to transform the dynamics of the industry. Based in Austin, Texas, the company aims to deliver a comprehensive range of cost-effective and efficient solutions, from low Earth orbit (LEO) to the Moon […]

    The Space Effect on Human Body: What You Need to Know!

    Do you ever dream of traveling to space and uncovering the mysteries of the universe? Do you often wonder about being weightless, flying through space, and getting a bird’s-eye view of our gorgeous globe from above? Have you given any thought to the mental and physical risks that living in space could have on a […]

    Wednesday Evening’s sky shows Venus and the moon dancing!

    Venus and the moon are two of the brightest objects visible in the night sky, with the moon being the brightest and Venus coming in a distant second. There will be a close encounter between the two on Wednesday (Feb. 22). Technically known as an appulse, this approach can be seen from New York City […]

    Earth’s Inner Core “Stopped” its Rotation and may be Reversing it!

    Our Planet’s Inner Core “Stopped” its Rotation and may be Reversing it! According to a recent study, deep in the center of the Earth’s inner core may have stopped and could also reverse its Rotation. Scientists have claimed that the inner core of Earth’s oscillation overlaps with periodic changes in the Earth’s surface system and […]