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    Life on Europa? The New Search for Extraterrestrial Life

    For centuries, Mars was the prime part of our solar system, so let’s have a look at life on Europa. Telescopes have scrutinized the red planet for years, spacecraft have traveled its orbit, and rovers have combed its terrain, but still, no conclusive evidence of life on Europa has been found. Scientists are shifting their […]

    BepiColombo Mission braces for third Mercury flyby

    News: The ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission project is preparing for its next close flyby of Mercury on June 19. It will be about 236 km above the planet’s surface at that time. Solar Electric Operations for BepiColombo Third’s FlyBy  This is the third of six flybys that ESA’s spacecraft control team is leading BepiColombo mission through […]

    Are Artemis astronauts hopeful for microbial life on moon?

    NASA has recently done some research on the complex structure of the moon and found out that there is microbial life on moon. But, how did NASA come to this news? Let’s find out! As we all know that the moon is a lifeless place in comparison to Earth. Without any evidence of life, glistening […]

    Webb Maps and Finds Traces Water on WASP-18 b

    There’s a fascinating exoplanet 400 light-years away that’s so intriguing that astronomers have been researching it since its discovery in 2009. WASP-18 b takes only 23 hours to complete one orbit around its star (which is slightly larger than our Sun). Nothing like it exists in our solar system. WASP-18 b, an extrasolar planet ten […]

    Water Vapor Plume Discovered on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

    You will be surprised to know that astounding revelations have emerged as researchers, harnessing the remarkable capabilities of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, uncovered a captivating phenomenon: a captivating water vapor plume emanating from Saturn’s enchanting moon, Enceladus. This remarkable plume stretches a staggering distance of over 6,000 miles, equivalent to the approximate span between […]

    Polar Cyclone Discovered on Uranus – NASA Unveils

    For the first time, NASA scientists have strong evidence of a polar cyclone on Uranus. By examining radio waves emitted from the ice giant, they detected the phenomenon at the planet’s north pole. The findings confirm a broad truth about all planets with substantial atmospheres in our solar system: Whether the planets are composed mainly […]

    The Telescope Allocation Committee Unveil What Webb Observes Next

    Space Telescope Science Institute’s Telescope Allocation Committee outlines the target selection procedure for the next cycle of Webb observations, sparking celebration among astronomers worldwide. What is the purpose of the peer-review process? “On May 10, the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s science operations center, announced the scientific program for Cycle […]

    AIAA honors NASA’s DART and James Webb with 2023 Premier Awards

    The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) designated NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope and Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) missions and contractors as three of the AIAA Premier Awards recipients for 2023. The awards honor those in the aerospace industry that AIAA considers to be the most influential and inspiring. “We congratulate both the […]

    Io, Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon, Set for Historic Close Encounter with NASA’s Juno Spacecraft

    Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io, is set for a historic close encounter with NASA’s Juno Spacecraft. The orbiter designed to study gas giants has traveled more than 510 million miles and has observed three of Jupiter’s four largest moons up close. When is NASA’s Juno spacecraft scheduled to pass by Io and Jupiter? On Tuesday, May […]

    NASA’s Webb Telescope Discovers Water Vapor in Main Belt Comet

    Another long-awaited scientific breakthrough has been made possible by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, this time for solar system scientists investigating the origins of Earth’s copious water. Astronomers have detected gas – especially water vapor – near a comet in the main asteroid belt for the first time using Webb’s NIRSpec (Near-Infrared Spectrograph), indicating that […]