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    MASCARA-4 Exoplanet Sets New Record with Discovery of Heaviest Element!

    The Chinese astronomy team has made a remarkable finding about a planet outside our solar system. In MASCARA-4, an incredibly hot Jupiter, they discovered samarium, the heaviest element ever discovered in the atmosphere of an MASCARA-4 exoplanet. The planet has a temperature in the thousands of degrees and is three times as massive as our […]

    InSight Lander Seismic Breakthrough: Unlocking Mars’ Core Secrets

    NASA deactivated its InSight lander in December, but its seismometer data will be studied for decades. Scientists have discovered that Mars‘ liquid iron core is thinner and denser than previously believed by analyzing seismic waves the device picked up during two temblors in 2021. A report published on April 24 in the Proceedings of the […]

    Lucy Mission: First Spacecraft to Explore Jupiter’s Trojan Asteroids

    NASA’s Lucy mission marks a new era in space exploration, as it is the first spacecraft launched with the specific aim of exploring the Trojan asteroids. These asteroids are a population of primitive celestial bodies that share Jupiter’s orbit, making them unique targets for scientific study. However, the spacecraft is set to embark on a […]

    Hubble 33rd Anniversary Images: Stunning View of Nearby Star

    Astronomers have published stunning photographs of the nearby star-forming area NGC 1333 taken by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope in honor of the telescope’s 33rd birthday. These images demonstrate the telescope’s extraordinary capabilities. The Hubble 33rd anniversary images offer an incredible view of the cosmic womb where new stars form. The nebula is located in the […]

    James Webb Telescope: Unveiling 1 Year Space Secrets

    The universe is a vast and mysterious place, filled with secrets that have puzzled humanity for centuries. For many years, telescopes have been our eyes into the cosmos, allowing us to uncover some of its greatest mysteries. NASA James Webb Space Telescope is a marvel of engineering and a key to unlocking the mysteries of […]

    Uranus Rings and Moons Captured by NASA’s JWST

    The NASA James Webb Space Telescope captured a stunning image on Feb. 6, 2023, of Uranus, an ice-giant planet, revealing its bright cloud and faint extended features beyond the polar cap. “Icy” materials make up the planet, which has 13 known rings and 27 known moons. The image shows 11 visible rings and the wide-view […]

    ESA’s Juice Mission to Study Jupiter’s 3 Icy Moons!

    The “Juice mission” (Jupiter Icy moons Explorer) is an exciting and ambitious project by the European Space Agency (ESA) to explore Jupiter and its three icy moons – Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto – in depth. With a launch date set for April 13, 2023, the mission aims to explore these moons and gain insights into […]

    NASA’s Webb Telescope Measures exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 b’s Temperature

    NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has enabled an international team of researchers to determine the temperature of TRAPPIST-1 b, a rocky exoplanet. The measurement of temperature relies on the planet’s emission of thermal energy. It is in the form of infrared light that the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) of the Webb telescope detected de. The team’s […]

    Hubble OPAL Program Monitors Jupiter’s storms and Uranus’ atmosphere

    NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has been capturing breathtaking images of the changing weather and seasons on Jupiter and Uranus since its launch in 1990. Although the close-up views provided by other spacecraft, such as Juno and Voyager very impressive, however, Hubble’s sharpness and sensitivity enable it to track complex activities in these largely gaseous outer […]

    Chandrayaan Missions: India’s Contribution to Lunar Exploration and Scientific Discoveries

    The Moon has always been a source of fascination for humanity, inspiring myths and legends across different cultures. Howeverour understanding of the Moon has grown in the last century in the last century thanks to space agencies’ efforts worldwide. India has also stepped forward to uncover the mysteries and disclose the myths about the moon. […]