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Seven Sisters Star Cluster

Seven Sisters Star Cluster – Jupiter Shines Near the Moon

Guys, you all have to stay up late to view the serene view of the seven sisters Star cluster. This is the view with which Jupiter also shines near the moon. Let’s keep hovering. How can you see this impressive view?

Let’s know more about this spectacular view!

Celestial Spectacle: Moon Meets Pleiades and Jupiter in Early Morning Sky

On Friday, July 14, the moon will meet the Seven Sisters star cluster early in the morning, also called the Pleiades.

Skywatchers on Earth won’t be the only ones watching the moon and the Pleiades meet. Jupiter and Aldebaran, the most prominent star in the constellation Taurus, will also be there to watch the event.

Jupiter and the Pleiades will rise from New York City around 1:30 a.m. ET (0530 GMT) on Friday, July 14. The moon will rise just after 2:30 a.m. EDT (0553 GMT) and set at 6:30 p.m. EDT (2230 GMT). During the meeting with the Pleiades, the moon will be in its fading crescent phase, getting darker as it gets closer to the next moon on July 17 and the start of a new 29.5-day lunar cycle.

During the event, the moon will be about one hand’s width below and to the left of the Seven Sisters star cluster. This will happen in the constellation Taurus, which is on the horizon to the east. Jupiter will be to the right and up. Uranus will be about halfway between the Pleiades and Jupiter, which is a bonus, but it won’t be visible to the naked eye and can be hard to see even with a telescope.

Apart from this, now we will head over toward the phenomenal encounter of moon, Pleiades, and Aldebaran.

Seven Sisters Star Cluster: A Majestic Encounter of Moon, Pleiades, and Aldebaran

Most likely, the arrangement will be too big to see through glasses, but with the naked eye, all these items will make a beautiful scene in the sky.

In Greek mythology, the Pleiades are named after the daughters of the Titan god Atlas and the water nymph Pleione. Because the Pleiades are an open star cluster, where all the stars are thought to have gas and dust, the family link makes sense. This means that the Pleiades are an honest group of stars that still move as a group through space.

One of the brightest stars in the sky, Aldebaran or Alpha Tauri, the “Eye of the Bull,” is also in the constellation of Taurus. It is close to where the moon and the Pleiades meet. Aldebaran is a red giant star 65 years from Earth and is 44 times as big as the Sun.

Additionally, we will know more about the unity of Aldebaran, and Pleiades and dig deep into the real meanings of them.

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An illustration of the night sky, looking east from New York City, at 5 a.m. ET on July 14. (Image credit:

Celestial Delights: Aldebaran and the Pleiades Unite in the Night Sky

Its name, “Aldebaran,” comes from the Arabic word “al Dabarn,” which means “the follower.” It is because the red giant is close to the Pleiades in seven sisters star cluster. This means that Aldebaran follows the Pleiades over the horizon in the Northern Horizon.

If you want to better look at the moon and the Pleiades in the night sky, our tips on the best telescopes and binoculars are a great place to start.

And if you want to try taking pictures of the moon or the night sky in general, check out our guide on taking photos of the moon and our list of the best cameras and lenses for astrophotography.

In this upcoming part, we will see the majestic beauty of Pleiades, and know an important part “hot blue star”

Hot Blue Star: Let’s Know It More!

Situated close to Taurus, the Bull, and positioned adjacent to Orion’s Belt, the Pleiades showcase their celestial beauty. Each star within this cluster shines more than 100 times brighter than our Sun. With the unaided eye, observers worldwide can typically perceive at least six stars, although the seventh star’s visibility fluctuates, its brightness remains mysterious. Individuals with exceptional visual acuity even assert sightings of up to 20 stars without a telescope.

The Pleiades cluster is estimated to harbor approximately 1000 stars, with its core spanning a remarkable diameter of 8 light years. Predominantly populated by “hot blue stars” formed within the last 100 million years, astronomers predict the cluster’s survival for another 250 million years, truly making it a captivating cosmic spectacle.

Now, if you are wondering where is this seven sisters star clusters are located at, then the following part is for you!

Where is The Seven Sisters star cluster?

Located approximately 400 light-years away in the constellation of Taurus, the Pleiades captivates stargazers with their alternate names, the Seven Sisters and M45. An intriguing legend, adapted for modern times, suggests that one of the cluster’s brighter stars has since dimmed, leaving only six of the sister stars visible to the naked eye.

Why are seven sisters star clusters called seven sisters?

“Seven Sisters” traces its roots to an intriguing formation on Page Green, a communal land. This arrangement consisted of seven elms encircling a central walnut tree, dating back to when it was established. By 1732, this distinctive cluster of trees had gained the moniker “Seven Sisters.”

Why is the Pleiades special?

While most stars in the sky are solitary and dispersed, the Pleiades defy convention by clustering together in a tightly knit group that sets them apart from their celestial counterparts. Renowned as one of the most luminous seven sisters star clusters visible, the Pleiades boasts a collection of approximately 3,000 stars. Remarkably, it is situated a staggering 444 light-years away from Earth, creating a mesmerizing spectacle in the vast expanse of the cosmos.

What do the seven sisters represent?

The renowned seven sisters star cluster, holds additional appellations, such as the ‘Water Girls’ or the ‘Ice Maidens,’ owing to their profound connection with various forms of water, including seas, rivers, rain, hail, snow, ice, and frost. In Greek mythology, these sisters are frequently referred to as ‘Oceanids,’ further emphasizing their association with the vast realms of the ocean.

Three Facts About Pleiades That You Did Not Know Earlier!

  • The Pleiades seven sisters star cluster showcases its astronomical grandeur with an approximate mass of 800 times that of our Sun, accounting for around 80,000% of its group.
  • Spanning a radius of approximately 17.5 light-years, these seven sisters star cluster wonder extends its reach across the cosmos.
  • Its overall dimensions measure an awe-inspiring 110 arcminutes. Further emphasizing the expansive and captivating nature of the Pleiades cluster.

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