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    For High-Speed Quantum Communications, NASA and Caltech Developed the PEACOQ Detector

    Quantum computers can work millions of times faster than regular computers, but they need a separate network for quantum communications for long-distance communication. Researchers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Caltech have created a device that can accurately count a large number of single photons, which are quantum particles of light, so they can set […]

    NASA Creates weather sensors with dynamic abilities!

    Both COWVR and TEMPEST show that smaller, less expensive scientific instruments can contribute significantly to weather forecasting. NASA creates a pair of weather instruments. The purpose of the instruments was to evaluate the possibility of using small and affordable weather sensors to replace some of the larger, more expensive satellites. During their test phases, both […]

    NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover Perfectly Completes Sample Depot on Another Planet!

    After it began the construction of the first mars sample depot took less than six weeks to complete its mission. At Southern California in NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the mission controllers received confirmation that the Perseverance Mars rover successfully dropped the 10th and final tube planned for the depot around 5 p.m. PST (8 p.m. […]

    Sonifications Regarding Cosmic Harmonies by NASA

    Astronomers frequently use numerous telescopes to observe things in space like sonifications. Each telescope adds its information to whatever is being examined because it can all detect distinct kinds of light.  Sonifications release in Astronomy Similarly, sonification is helpful in converting digital data into sound. In some ways, this is akin to how different […]

    InSight Lander Seismic Breakthrough: Unlocking Mars’ Core Secrets

    NASA deactivated its InSight lander in December, but its seismometer data will be studied for decades. Scientists have discovered that Mars‘ liquid iron core is thinner and denser than previously believed by analyzing seismic waves the device picked up during two temblors in 2021. A report published on April 24 in the Proceedings of the […]

    Curiosity Rover finds Mars’ watery past clues!

    Spotting rippled rock textures on Mars means something big! There is a possibility that lakes do exist in an area of ancient Mars. Scientists thought there might not be any lakes on Mars left with water. But with this mission, the research team was able to discover Mars’ watery past clues.  The research team thought […]

    James Webb Space Telescope discovered that galaxies in the early universe were surprisingly diverse

    Galaxies have evolved significantly in every aspect from the time of early galaxy formation and the present. They have continuously increased their celestial populations while enlarging the cosmic medium with heavy elements, producing multiple generations of stars from molecular gas clouds. James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) discovers that galaxies in the early universe were surprisingly […]

    NASA Engineers Help Create A Virtual World

    News: NASA has been at the forefront of developing technology of virtual reality on space for almost as long as it has been a concept. The Virtual world on space has experienced a revival since the clunky headsets of the 1990s. Currently, several well-known businesses employ VR for virtual chat rooms and immersive video games, […]

    Curiosity Rover Spotted Door-Shaped Fracture at East Cliffs

    News: On May 7, 2022, NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover photographed a bunch of rocks called “East Cliffs.” This happened on the 3,466th day of its Mars trip, also known as a Martian day or Sol. Curiosity Rover Imaging East Cliffs Curiosity rover used its Mast Camera (also called Mastcam) to take the photo. The East […]

    What Discovery has been Made by Curiosity in Mars Methane?

    It is quite surprising that this week NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover made a discovery. They detected the highest recorded amount of mars methane when they started the mission to Mars. If we look at the keen details. Then it is approximately 21 parts per billion units by volume (ppbv). To ease your thinking what ppbv […]