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    Is Exoplanet Koi-3010.01 Potentially Habitable?

    In 2011, the Kepler mission spotted an Exoplanet koi-3010.01 using the transit method. Scientists are really interested in this planet because it shares Earth-like qualities. So, without any delay let’s explore some of the common elements that this exoplanet and our Earth shares! ‘Lyra’ Constellation of Exoplanet koi-3010.01: The red dwarf KOI-3010 is 1,213 light-years […]

    Marshmallow-Like Exoplanet TOI-3757 Unveiled by TESS

    The exoplanet, TOI-3757 b is a gas giant planet that revolves around a K-type star. The mass of this exoplanet is about 0.27 times more than that of Jupiter and therefore it completes one circle around its star in just 3.4 days. If we talk about its distance, then it is located at approximately 0.038 […]

    Can Webb Telescope detect Habitable Exoplanet?

    The habitable exoplanet, SPECULOOS-2c or LP 890-9c, was found in September 2022. It circles its star every 8.5 Earth days at a distance of just 1.7 million miles (2.8 million kilometers), yet its diameter is 40% higher than Earth’s. A Potentially Habitable Exoplanet is Near a Tiny Red Dwarf Star: However, because the red dwarf […]

    HD 100546 b: The Mystery Between Planets and Stars

    Brown dwarfs, though not precisely classified as planets, often come up in discussions due to their position between planets and stars. One well-known example is HD 100546 b with a radius 6.9 times that of Jupiter. Let’s Know More About This Exoplanet: HD 100546 b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a B-type star. […]

    Timeline of the Big Bang – Facts That You Didn’t Know

    Many people think that the model of the timeline of the Big Bang paves its way to explain a lot. And that is true! For instance, it tells us about the universe’s history and development. Moreover, the universe began as an incredibly hot and dense point.  Besides telling you some crisp information, it also tells […]

    James Webb Space Telescope Reveals Sandy Clouds in the WASP 107b’s Atmosphere

    The discovery and ongoing research into WASP 107b, a fascinating exoplanet situated around 211 light-years away in the Virgo constellation, keeps revealing more about the varied planetary systems in our galaxy. Recent observations by the Webb Telescope have significantly advanced our understanding of this peculiar exoplanet. Discovery and Initial Observations WASP 107b was first identified […]

    Unveiling the Cosmic Splendor of the Sunflower Galaxy (M63) by Hubble Space Telescope

    Introduction The Sunflower Galaxy, formally known as Messier 63 or M63, presents a captivating subject for astrophysical inquiry, not merely because of its aesthetic resemblance to the terrestrial sunflower, but owing to its intrinsic characteristics and the insights it provides into the cosmic landscape. This spiral galaxy, located in the constellation Canes Venatici, represents a […]

    Operator of the James Webb Telescope – Crossword NYT Clue

    We’ve answered a crossword clue for you, which is the “Operator of the James Webb Telescope”. It is from The New York Times Mini Crossword! This puzzle is actually a mini crossword. Moreover, it is a popular online word game that you should definitely give a shot. By playing, you can engage your mind with […]

    NASA’s Webb Findings Support Long-Proposed Process of Planet Formation

    Introduction to Protoplanetary Disk Studies and Webb’s Role The study of planet formation is a cornerstone of contemporary astrophysics, offering insights into the origins of our solar system and the potential for life-bearing planets elsewhere. NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) represents a paradigm shift in this domain, providing unprecedented clarity on the processes shaping […]

    What James Webb Pluto has Recently Discovered?

    Pluto may no longer be a planet, but the James Webb Pluto findings have been revolving for some time. And this attention is turning towards this small planet and the icy companions that are in the Kuiper Belt. It is a comet and a donut-shaped ring around the sun. And Pluto is one of the […]