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    Cheops shows scorching exoplanet acts like a mirror

    Now, for the first time, scientists have found an exoplanet by Cheops that shines as brightly as Venus. Aside from the Moon, Venus is the biggest thing we can see in the night sky. Its thick layer of clouds returns about 75% of the Sun’s light. On the other hand, Earth only produces about 30% […]

    KOI 4878: Earth-Like Exoplanet Detected by Kepler

    Koi 4878 is one of the most similar exoplanets to the Earth. It was primarily detected by Kepler’s mission. So, let’s have a look at some of the significant features of this planet, and uncover why this planet is most intrigued by the scientists. Location from the Earth: It is located around 1075 light years […]

    The Fireworks Galaxy – A Celestial Spectacle of Stellar Explosions and Unraveling Mysteries

    Introduction NGC 6946, officially named the Fireworks Galaxy, stands as a breathtaking illustration of an intermediate spiral galaxy, positioned at the celestial boundary between the constellations Cepheus and Cygnus. This galaxy discovered by William Herschel in 1798 has captivated astronomers and space enthusiasts alike with its vibrant appearance and fascinating characteristics. In this article, we […]

    Stellar Evolution: The Birth, Life, and Death of Stars

    Stellar evolution tells us how stars are born, live, and die. It tells us about the life of a star in perfect ways. Since a star’s life is too long to watch, that is the reason scientists study many stars in our galaxy at different stages. And by doing this, they combine the whole process. […]

    NASA’s Webb Findings Support Long-Proposed Process of Planet Formation

    Introduction to Protoplanetary Disk Studies and Webb’s Role The study of planet formation is a cornerstone of contemporary astrophysics, offering insights into the origins of our solar system and the potential for life-bearing planets elsewhere. NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) represents a paradigm shift in this domain, providing unprecedented clarity on the processes shaping […]

    Do the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds need new names?

    Introduction The vast expanse of the cosmos unfolds a myriad of celestial enigmas, presenting a grand arena for the unending quest of astronomy. Nestled within this universal expanse is the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)—a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way. Visible from the Southern Hemisphere, it stands as a beacon for celestial exploration, offering an […]

    What Webb has Observed in El Gordo Galaxy?

    EL Gordo is a galaxy cluster, and its phenomenal view has been captured recently by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. But one thing that is quite surprising you will find that this galaxy is locate more than 7 billion light-years away.  That is why it is surely an intriguing point for many of you. You […]

    Let’s Explore Cosmic Times Through Webb’s Lens!

    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has brought us an exciting week with its release of stunning photos of our Universe that reflects the old cosmic times.  One of the images allows us to glimpse faint distant galaxies as they appeared over 13 billion years ago. How Old is Our Planet Earth? Today, cosmologists have […]

    In a Gravitational Lens, James Webb saw the same Galaxy three times

    On February 28, 2023, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) mission tweeted about its latest observation Gravitational Lens of a galaxy, which included three separate photos. The JWST’s capacity to capture such breathtaking imagery continuously amazes and captivates both scientists and space enthusiasts. How does the JWST take three photographs of the same object at […]